"Were here for moral support," Mr. Miller smiled, before his husband pushed his arm slightly, "And also for this,"

Mr. Miller, the one standing on the left, pulled out an envelope. "This is the official paperwork that Max's biological parents filled out this morning,"

Max looked over when he heard the mentioned of them. (Y/n) spoke up first, "Will they be-"

Mr. Miller cut her off, "No ma'am. They...will not be here today,"

His husband took off his sunglasses to reveal his grey eyes. His paler hand handed (Y/n) a folded piece of paper.

"They actually...agreed without hesitation on letting Max get adopted,"

Max's head fell down, "Of course they did, they don't fucking care,"

(Y/n) opened the paper and began to read through it, although the Millers turned over to the doors that lead towards the court room. 

"We'll let the judge and the rest of them know that we settled everything for you Ms. Campwell," Mr. Miller placed his sunglasses back onto his paler face

"Don't you worry about the rest, we got it covered."

"Mr. And Mr. Miller," (Y/n) placed down the paper onto her seat, "You two have done so much I-I can't-,"

"Ms. Campwell we understand it may seem a lot, but we've done this before,"

"We know you're a good person, we know you'll provide what's best for Max. He'll have a better life with you than with his biological parents,"

(Y/n) looked over at Max who was reading over the same paper. She watched his face twist from confusion to excitement.

"Is...is it even legal to process an adoption this quickly?"

Both of the Millers laughed loudly, "Ms. Campwell, we're the law,"

"We can bend the rules once or twice,"

"Mom! Look! I'm Max Campwell!" Max showed her the adoption paper that the Millers had done.

"I guess it's nice to have friends who helped me through this," (Y/n) looked up at them, "It would've taken me months to adopt him without your help,"

"We're always happy to help another family," Mr. Miller slapped her shoulder lightly.


(Y/n) and Max walked out of the courtroom hand in hand. Max held onto the folder with the official paperwork.

On this day he was Maximus Campwell.

Max's little hand held tightly as he saw an older couple walk over to them holding a small box. They smiled widely over at them.

"(Y/n/n)! It's so nice to see you again," Myrtle smiled at her daughter

"And to see our grandson," Clark glared slightly at her, "If it weren't for your friends, the Millers, we would never had never found out,"

"Why would you keep something as important as a grandson away from us," Myrtle scolded as she pulled on (Y/n)'s ear.

(Y/n) groaned loudly at her as she pulled away. She pouted at her, "Mom that hurt!"

"Not as much as me not knowing my grandson,"

"Ok! Ok! I should've told you sooner, but we still had to go through the entire process first," (Y/n) rubbed her ear

"We're not here to argue," Clark stated, "we brought a gift to welcome Max into the family,"

Max looked up at the two, his eyes full of concern but he remained distant. The older couple took notice and only gave him a warm smile, to hope that he opens up to them. Myrtle handed Max the box,

"Here you go son, this is for you,"

Max received the gift hesitantly. He looked up towards (Y/n) who only gave him a small smile,

"Go on Max, open it,"

With that, Max began to opened the box. The small box was wrapped in bright red paper with a yellow bow. Max ripped the bow off to finally open the box. He peaked inside to see a small silver ring.

"It was mine when I was your age son," Clark gave him a smile, "I just wanted you to feel welcome into our family,"

Max gave him a weak smile, not knowing how to react, "Thanks...sir,"

"Oh please don't call me sir! Call me Grampa!"


After talking with (Y/n)'s parents, Max and her drove back to the apartment building. Max held onto the box with the ring and the papers as he followed (Y/n) back to their new home.

They opened the door and Max made his way over to his new room. He entered and closed the door behind him. Max placed his paper and box ontop of the night stand that was next to his bed. He crawled up the bed and sat down.

(Y/n) stood outside of his room, she placed her head on the door to listen carefully. After a few minutes she heard soft snores.

With a sigh (Y/n) made her way back to her own room. She opened her door and turned on her lights. (Y/n) dragged her feet across the floor and with a loud thud she fell ontop of her bed.

The bed was different from Camp. It wasn't a twin bunk bed where she didn't have space. It wasn't uncomfortably lumpy and she was able to stretch if needed too.

Her bed was comfortable to say the least. Although the more she layed there, the more uncomfortable she felt.

She turned over. Back at Campbell she got used to looking down and seeing David sleep peacefully. (Y/n) remembered back how David would sleep talk different tree names. She had a faint smile, she missed those moments.

The more (Y/n) thought the worse her insomnia got. She knew Camp Campbell was a temporary job. But then why....

Why was it so lonely sleeping in her own room?

Camp Camp X Counselor! Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें