"Hey lola over here" Sophie calls lola over. She's so clingy to Lola. It's so annoying. I roll my eyes at her perky nice. It makes me sick.

"Oh hey Sophie I'm actually gonna catch up with my boyfriend I'll catch up with you later okay"Lola rushes past Sophie. I burst out laughing at Sophie's annoyed face expression. It was priceless. That's why you get for being so clingy bitch. Hahaha.

Sophie just walks off into the campus.her phone rang. I look at the caller ID as she answers the phone.i put my ear up to it to hear the person on the other side of the phone.

"Have you done it yet. Have you met him yet does he like you." The void kept rambling on. I reminisced this void it sounded so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it." Luke calm down. I'm trying. I'll try get he to have me and him over okay. Just calm down. It's all going to plan. Just give it time. Luke.....Luke. Howvdoes my stupid idiotic brother know Sophie. I bet his in on this pathetic plan to do something to lola. If he is. I swear to fucking god I'm gonna murder him."okay just make sure that lover boy falls for you and dumps her" Luke says on the other side of the while Sophie smirks." I promise Lukey" she says twirling her hair. You do that to fucking lola and I'm not gonna be the only ghost here.i spat at her but she couldn't feel it because I'm a fucking ghost. I better find lola,Mikey and cal and tell them her plan. So she can stop it this wretched plan. I look everywhere for. Lola. When I finally found her."lola you need to listen. Sophie is gonna ask to stay over at your house with cal and Mikey but just make an excuse please" I ramble on. Lola smiles at me. "Don't worry she's not coming over because me, you Mikey and cal are staying at Calum's tonight. Why can't she stay over anyways" she asked me." I'll explain at Calum's" I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. Me and lola walk off to class together."please stay away from Sophie." I say when we meet up with the boys."why are you jealous Mikey asks me. This really annoys me. "No I'm not jealous. She's just bad news." I huff. "Awww someone's jealous." Lola says in a sing song with Calum joining in on their little game."whatever but you better be quiet people are looking at you like your demented" I laugh as they fall for my trick and look around.we walk into class lola sits down and Sophie walk over towards the sit I'm hovering over. She goes to sit down when lola puts her hand there."sorry Sophie,cal is sitting there and then Michael beside him and then Michaels friend so there's no room. I'm really sorry babe. Maybe tomorrow" lola smiles as Sophie walks to the next row.i burst out laughing. Calum and Michael turn around to see what I was laughing at.lola try's to hide her laugh and ends up snorting. I motion for the boys to come over so I can explain."ok talk to you guys later I'm going over to my girlfriend come on mike" calum says as Michael strolls beside him. They walk over to us. " Guys stand. Beside lola so it looks like she's talking and you don't look mental." I say through my laughter. They turn and look at lola.

-- ----------------


"Guys stand beside lola so it looks like she's talking and you don't look mental" lily says through her laughter. Mike turns and smiles at me which I return the gesture and smile at him. Cal comes over." Hello beautiful how are you since I saw you a minute ago." he wraps his arms round me and leans his head in between my neck. I laugh at what he said."I'm fine. I just saw you 5 seconds ago so since then I'm fine how about you." I say."well I've missed you so much that it made me sad. I also hurt my finger can you kiss it better." He pouts and holds up his finger. I kiss it for him." Cal I just saw you how could you have missed me that muc-" he intertwines are fingers as lily rudely interrupts are conversation."ok if you two love birds are finished. I'd like to tell the story." Lily says. Me and Calum poke are tongues out at her. To anyone else it would look like we're doing it to Michael."anyways as I was trying to say" lily rambles on telling the story to the boys. Calum wraps his free hand around me and I cuddle into him. He rubs his thumb on my hand. I wasn't really listening to lily. I was to mesmerised by cals good looks. Every time he laughed his chest would vibrate. When he saw I was being so quiet. He looks at me." Lo are you okay. Would you like to feel my biceps and make out with me. Kiss my jaw line." Admit lola stop making everything he says into something else. I was latterly drawling over him now."hmmm sorry what yeah I'm fine I just zoned out sorry." Cal chuckles and Mike bursts out laughing." What is there something on my face." I ask as cal keeps chuckling." Tell her cal before I die of laughter" Michael says holding his side. Calum nods his head and begins to tell me. " While you were zoned out lily told me to say something to you and see if you hear me." I nod still confused at why it was funny. he obviously sees my face and explains more. "So I decided to say something. What I said was lola are you okay. Would you like to feel my biceps and make out with me. Kiss my jaw line" admit lola you did it again. I can't stop his just to damn sexy. God get it together. "Sorry what I literally keep hearing something else as you talk. I don't know why it keeps happening." They laugh again." No lola you heard him right he said would you like to feel his biceps and make out with him. Kiss his jaw line." Michael says laughing again."wait I think I missed heard you again I'm sorry. Every time you try say what you said my brain changes it." I say getting frustrated and confused at myself." What did you think they said" lily asked trying to hold her laughter back."no it's stupid" I blush."come on tell us" don't tell them lola they'll think your weird and laugh at you and tease you about it."fine I'll tell you" admit mouth shut up I told you no.i tell my mouth to shut up but it keeps speaking.it has a mouth of it s own I guess. Haha I'm funny."what I thought you said was are you okay lola would you like to feel my biceps and make out with me and kiss my jaw line." I start to blush as they laugh gain."thats that's what I said" calum says laughing. I begin to laugh to."omg I thought I was imagining that haha anyways lily continue your story"

Is death really the answer (calum hood fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now