Chapter Twelve: Girl's Afternoon Out

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It turned out that Ba Sing Se wasn't exactly a fan of Bending Competitions; another reason why this city sucked. So, instead, Nalo and Toph had taken to roaming the shopping streets, staring into windows and smelling the variety of foods that were up for sale. 

Toph thought about heading for Iroh's tea shop but decided against it. Better to wait for Zuko, she thought, Iroh will want to see him the most. Toph bought the two of them a box of wagashi desserts to share. It reminded her of the party the group had infiltrated to meet the Earth King, to no avail. They sat next to each other on the edge of a fountain, silently making their way through the small cakes and tarts. 

Toph had never really minded silence. It was like darkness, but for your ears. She was plenty used to darkness. Besides, its not like she needed sound to see people coming towards her. Nalo didn't seem to mind the darkness either. She seemed relaxed, her back muscles no longer holding her rigidly. Toph figured she was leading up ask the question everyone did. Better beat her to it.

"I am actually blind. It's not an act." Nalo drummed her fingers on the fountain rim between the two girls. She hummed in acknowledgement that she'd heard Toph but said nothing else. Toph huffed slightly. "You don't seem surprised?" 

"The Badgermoles are blind," said Nalo. Toph stared ahead for a while. This was new. Sure, none of her friends underestimated her but they had all been at least a little surprised at her disability. "I have to ask though;" started Nalo, "is it true you invented a new style of Earth Bending?" Toph grinned. Now here was a topic she enjoyed.

"Twinkletoes told you?" Nalo shook her head. She explained the poster for Toph's Metal Bending Academy that she had found. Toph rubbed her nose. "Why'd you ask if you know the answer?" Nalo shuffled her feet slightly. Top wished she would just spit whatever it was out. 

"I suppose I was more asking if, only if you were up for it, if you would be willing to teach me a few moves?" she asked sheepishly. 


They found a back street behind the stores. Though the back streets of the Upper Ring weren't exactly the best place to practice metal bending, it would have to do. Toph could feel everything anyway, she'd be able to stop the metal if it was going to break anything...if she chose to.

She removed the metal bracelet from around her arm. She loved it. It was what had brought her first academy together. It was also the first gift she'd been given by anyone who didn't want something from her parents in return. Sokka had simply though of her and made it. If Toph had thirty seconds to see anything, she would look at Sokka and look at his gift for her. Her first true friend, besides Aang, who respected her. Not for her name. Not for her money. For who she was. He knew when she needed help and when to back off and let her sort her problem herself. If only she could help him in the same way -  but then again, the problem he was facing at the moment seemed to be one he needed to conquer himself. 

It couldn't be easy, loosing someone so special. Toph didn't understand how he managed to get up every morning. When he had stood in front of her coffin, ridged back and shaking shoulders, trying to  keep his tears in his eyes, she had felt his pain. She felt the tension in him through the stone floor. She wanted so badly to reach out to him then, reach out like he had done when she had gone through her turmoil about her mother and Katara. But she couldn't. She didn't know how, or what to say. She never did. So, she reached out to Zuko instead. Poured all her gibberish out for him to wade through and relay to Sokka. It seemed to work. Zuko was helping Sokka rebuild himself. Tearing down his walls bit by bit, little by little! Toph liked the feeling she got from the two of them when they were together. Like that hug earlier: she felt safe and protected by them and their love. Her best friends were coming back. Together.

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