Chapter Sixteen: Charred Rugs, Broken Crowns

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Sokka noticed an ice berg up ahead, the grey smoke coming off the top quickly dissipating into the ice cold air. He couldn't help but smile. The idea of Zuko and Katara's safety acted like a wet blanket, putting out the fires of his fears that had been burning his insides to a crisp. 

Was Zuko cold? 

It was such a small point but it consumed his mind like a star going supernova. His mind was overrun with thoughts of the long dark hair flowing over his face like a river over the snowy mountains at home. Is that why Zuko was so beautiful? His angular features and soft hair so reminiscent of the white mountains that he explored as a child?

Nalo rested a hand on top of his. He hadn't even realised he'd been gripping the saddle so tightly, but her light touch allowed him to relax his muscles. 

"Your father will be alright, we will make it in time." How selfish. His father was in danger and Sokka had allowed himself to be distracted by...other thoughts. He nodded at Nalo. She studied his face slightly, forcing Sokka to hold her gaze. "Zuko is a powerful bender. He will be alright too."

Sokka felt heat rising in his face. Was he that obvious? Sokka's eyes dashed between each of his friends. God did Zuko...?

"Relax," called Aang, "he's as dense as you. He probably doesn't know a thing!" Aang smiled at Sokka with a gleam in his eyes. Looking between each person around him, he saw the same look of trust and care in each of their faces. He felt a smile tug at the corners of his mouth. For the first time in a while, he felt truly home with his friends. 


The state of his Tribe immediately ruined his mood.

Most of the stray fires had been put out, but there were still several physical fights raging across the port and further into the Tribe.  Fully trained, master fire benders versus water benders who were hardly half as good or even non-benders. 

Sokka drew his club, on the look out for Zuko, Katara or his father. The proof of their arrival was the large, red dragon circling round high in the sky, shooting rounds of fire at the Southern Raider's ships. 

Nalo rushed to his side as Aang helped Toph down from Appa. The snow and ice prevented her from going bare feet and was subsequently blind. Nalo had pulled her scarf back over her face, leaving only her eyes free. She scanned the scene, taking in the terrain and damage. 

His father should have been out there, fighting benders, and winning! Why wasn't he? Did they capture him? How? Sokka's mind began to whirl with all the possibilities. He supposed maybe if his father had been taken by surprise then he could have been taken hostage...but where?

His eyes locked on the building straight ahead. 

"Aang! The Hall!" Aang looked up and nodded, understanding what he meant. Sokka grabbed Nalo hand and dragged her behind him. They ran down the main street, Nalo bending water to put out fires whenever they passed one, and towards the scorching building. The gardens were decimated and the front down blown open, but the two people outside were wearing Southern Raider uniform, their hands and feet stuck to the ground in blocks of ice. Katara

Sokka jumped over them, pulling Nalo with him, and hoped that Aang followed suit. They moved quickly through the corridors and rooms, looking for any sight of Katara and Zuko or Hakoda.  

The further they moved into the hall, the more doubtful Sokka was that Aang was going to find them in here. Hopefully Toph would be able to remove her shoes indoors. 

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