Chapter 18: Out With The Old

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Toph hated the sea. She hated the sea and she hated flying. 

Her field of vision was so restricted. She felt so powerless and too reliant on all those around her. Besides, the tension on the ship wasn't the nicest anyway. Guards stood all around them, holding multiple weapons and also likely ready to bust out a hot flame when need be. Toph could sense all the men that had attacked the Tribe and her friends below the deck, surrounded by even more Fire Nation Soldiers. 

She missed Sokka's comforting figure beside her. She was better at flying now, but when she faced the fast and unknown oceans she preferred to have his arm to grip onto. She could tell that the others around her were also missing him, tiptoeing around the space that he and his personality used to take up. 

She moved away from the middle of the ship, towards Aang and Nalo who were leaning against the railing at the bow of the ship. They weren't talking, but Toph could definitely feel a shift in the air around them. It became calmer. Too calm for a ship moving through the sea. She supposed it was nice, but it really just added to her feelings of isolation on the water. 

Aang's robes brushed against her legs, tickling the visible skin through the metal.  She had always liked how his clothes felt. They were like Aang, soft warmth and friendship in a world of harsh and metallic Ozais.  

"How long do you think he'll take?" asked Nalo. Aang sighed, turning to look back the way they had come. 

Toph knew that he didn't have answer. She knew Sokka just as well as he did and they both knew how much he evolved since they were children. Sokka had changed from the young, hotheaded teenager who had traveled the world and faced life-threatening events daily. They both knew he would give his life for any of them on any day, but now he had other responsibilities. Sokka, like Zuko and Aang, had people he needed to protect and make feel secure. Once Hakoda had confirmed Sokka would take his place as Head Chieftain, Sokka had to change. Though, he was the same in so many ways. He still designed new inventions in his spare time. He still cooked his jerky with the same marinade. He still looked out for each of his friends. 

When his Tribe was invaded, Sokka made the decision to stay and help calm his people down and tend to the wounded that he could. When he was ready, he would ride Appa and catch them up. 

"I'm not sure. But, I know that he feels he let us down."

"How?" asked Toph. She couldn't believe Sokka had any reason to put himself down like that when he had apparently taken on three fully trained fire benders with no bending himself. Aang simply sighed and turned back to the font of the ship.

"Maybe not let us down. More...feels he must prove himself to others. I know he has always felt people look down on him because he can't bend. Especially with the state the war left the Southern Tribe in. And, as much as I hate to say it, having such powerful friends likely only adds to the feeling." 

Toph wanted to say something, to ask how they could help change his mind, but she was interrupted as one of the doors into below the ship was flung open. Zuko stormed out, cursing under his breath, and a few of his guards followed, carrying who knew what. Well...the others likely knew. 

"Zuko you shouldn't be moving so much!" called Katara, emerging from below the ship after him. Zuko ignored her, moving across the deck at speeds that should not have been possible for a man who had been beaten to the edge of death just an hour ago. Toph could feel his heartbeat through the floorboards - he was angry. Or panicked. The two felt very similar...

She ripped some metal away from the edge of the ship, wrapping it around his thighs. He stopped, wriggling slightly before giving up. 

"Toph," he said, his ice still that same cold steel it had been when Sokka had told him to leave, "get this off me." Toph just crossed her arms, leaning back against the ship. She could feel the guards behind her drawing their weapons or moving to channel their fire. She didn't budge.

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