Chapter Five: The Master of the Eastern Woods

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Katara sat beside Toph on the flight across the Earth Kingdom. Toph was playing with her new uniform, figuring out how to add even more metal to it. Katara found it ironic that she had chosen this as a career after her past scams - she supposed she just liked bossing people around. Zuko and Sokka sat at the front of the Appa's seat, discussing plans for Republic City in hushed tones. Every so often Zuko would laugh and lightly push Sokka's arm, making the other grin. 

Aang sat alone. He stared straight ahead, holding on to Appa's reigns, guiding them through the air. Katara felt slightly bad about what she had said, but not enough to regret it. This was a trap! She was certain! These bandits were just trying to capture Aang, and she wouldn't let that happen. 

"Why so tense Sugar Queen?" asked Toph, seemingly bored with the mental lasso she had been trying to construct. Top had a knack for knowing how Katara felt. She figured it was something to do with her seismic sense, but wasn't quite sure. 

"Everyone is mad at me," she sighed, knowing better than to argue. Toph snorted. Classic.

"Na." Katara turned to give her a death glare, forgetting it wouldn't matter. She pointed at their friends.

"Can't you tell Toph?" she bristled, "They won't even look at me! I just want what's best for Aang and suddenly I'm a big bad guy!" Toph grabbed the front of her shirt, making her yelp.

"God Katara, calm down! Zuko and Sokka are distracted by whatever plans they're fawning over, they've already forgotten! As for Aang, you're literally married! You are going to fight! As long as you have each other's best interests at heart then you two will be fine. No one knows love like you two." Katara was shocked. Who knew Toph could be so wise? Katara punched her arm lightly and turned back to looking at Aang.


When Appa landed on the edge of woods surrounding the Temple, Aang was the first to leap off. Katara was dismayed when he didn't wait to give her a hand down. She didn't need it but had come to view it as a part of his love language.  Aang was already on the very edge of the woods, staring into the darkness.

"You know," mused Sokka, "for nice air people woods...these look pretty spooky." Zuko placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Sokka - I'm here to protect you!" he laughed. Sokka pushed him away, but Katara swore she saw her brother blush slightly. Aang didn't react to the jokes. Instead he reached his hand out and rested it on the nearest tree. 

"I lived here," was all he said. Katara knew what he meant. Aang may had been trained in the Southern Temple, but he had been born here - in the East. This visit was likely bringing back a lot of memories. Happy and sad. Katara made her way to him and put both hands on his shoulders, turning him to face her. She smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. She conveyed all she was thinking through that hug. She was sorry. She loved him. She trusted him. She wanted to help and protect him. He hugged her back and she instantly felt better. He took her hand and led them through the woods. 


They came across a cleaning after a couple of hours of searching and sat down to rest. Toph had used her seismic sense and Aang had done a couple of cool Avatar tricks but they had found nothing. 

"Remind me why we're looking in the woods and not the temple itself?" asked Sokka. Aang sighed, leaning against a large tree. 

"I figured that if Katara was right then the bandits wouldn't even be able to reach the temple so down here would be our best bet," he muttered. Sokka squatted and rested his head in his hands. Zuko put his hand on his head, leaning into him. 

"So, we scoot on up and search and Temple now?" offered Sokka. Aang shrugged. He was about to answer when Toph leapt to her feet. 

"Everyone stop," she whispered. Everyone sat bolt upright. Toph pointed. "Behind that tree. Now. And everyone shut up." They all bolted for the large tree Toph had pointed at. Zuko tried to cover his red robes as much as possible. Katara gripped onto Aang's arm, listening to his shallow breathing. They waited for what seemed like forever until Katara heard what Toph had sensed. 

A girl came into the clearing. She looked about Zuko's age, with dark hair. She started to turn and Katara moved further behind the tree. She felt Aang's whole body tense. She peaked her face back round the tree. The girl's hair was short, cut choppily, and her eyes were grey but the rest of her face was covered by a red covering. She wore a black long sleeved under shirt and trousers, which was covered with a red cloth she had wrapped round her chest and loose red cut of trousers, a bit like Aang's clothing. Her shoes were boots that laced up to her shins and in her hand, she held a glider. Katara couldn't believe it. This girl had a glider that was almost identical to Aang's original. She squeezed his shoulder to try and get his attention, but he was frozen in place. He stared into the clearing, gripping the tree. 

The girl looked turned in a circle, peaking into the woods around her. Zuko reached around Katara and yanked Aang behind the tree. They waited. Katara felt the breeze around them pick up. She peaked around Aang's shoulder and felt the others follow suit. The girl was spinning her glider, moving in some sort of dance. She through herself in air, kicking her legs, landing on her toes and ramming her glider into the ground. Zuko's robes blew around his chest and Sokka's hair came undone. Katara had never felt a stronger breeze in her life. Not a breeze. A hurricane. This girl was creating a hurricane all by herself. She gripped Aang's robes. The group formed a chain, all relying on Aang's grip on a tree. The girl moved her hands around her glider, making the movement of a hurricane. 

"Toph!" Sokka yelled. Katara whirled around. Sokka had one hand gripping Zuko's and another holding on to a flying Toph for dear life. She had been picked up by the wind and now the only thing stopping her from disappearing into the sky was Sokka's death grip on her and Zuko. Katara could have been imagining it but she thought the wind was getting stronger. She turned to see the girl in the clearing staring directly at her. Sokka's voice had given them away! Katara nudged Aang. 

"Do something!" she hissed. Aang didn't move. Zuko's grip on Katara's arm tightened. Katara kicked Aang in the leg. Hard. The girl was now moving her arms to build up the hurricane into her arms. She was going to fire it at them! Katara pushed Aang's head out from behind the tree, shocking him out of his trance. She was sure the girl faltered when she spotted Aang, but not enough to slow her magic. She thrust her hands forwards and sent her hurricane straight at them. Katara jammed her eyes shut an she heard Sokka yell again.

Aang slammed his hands together, separating the wind around them. Toph fell down on top of Sokka with a grunt from both of them. Zuko tried to help but just ended up with Sokka toppling him too. Katara opened her eyes and looked into the clearing. The girl was gone. Toph jumped up and grabbed Aang.

"What was that Twinkle Toes! Are you trying to get us all killed?" she yelled. Aang looked so lost. His grey eyes were glazed over and his mouth slightly ajar. He shook his head.

"How?" he mumbled. Toph pushed him into the tree.

"Make sense!" 

"How could I not know they exist?" he asked.  Katara placed a hand on his arm. Aang turned to face her, tears in his eyes. Sokka coughed.

"So ugh, we found the air we feeling?" he asked the group. He was sitting on the floor, Zuko behind him with his arms loosely around his stomach. Aang fell to his knees, shaking. Sokka frowned. "We're feeling not good?" Aang let out a hoarse laugh. 

"I'm not alone. There's another air bender!" Sokka frowned again, Zuko peaking round the side of his head. 

"So, good?" Aang looked up, smiling.

"So good."

Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 4: Air (The Master of the Lion Turtles)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα