#3 a one-sided conversation

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Today the boy was obviously weeping as he stood on the rooftop....his hands appeared to be....bleeding as well.... "Hey.....what.....what happened to you" I asked, not really expecting to get a response..... "Here let me help you" I gently grabbed his hand and he let out a small wince as I lead him away from the edge "I might have some bandages....i found it!" I reached into my pocket and pulled out some bandages. My friend tojo-san makes me carry them around in case I get hurt. I rolled up his sleeve just enough that I could see his wrist but not enough to make him grab my wrist.....his hands looked incredibly beaten and bruised as if they were hit with something.....im sprised he can still use his hands "What happened" I asked as I began wrapping his hands not expecting to get a response

"My dad"

"What?" I looked up at his face to see that his left arm was covering his face so I couldn't get a good look at it.....he's actually never showed me his face now that I think about it "what did he do?"....after that the boy went back to being silent "please.....what is your dad doing to you I can get help for you i-" He placed his hand over my mouth and shook his head before returning to where he was standing.....why hasn't he jumped yet? Its not like I *want* him to jump it's just.....hes been here for three days not really doing anything and if he isn't here to jump then why is he here.

I slowly approached him and draped his cardigan around his shoulders "you....left this here yesterday...." I said before I wrapped my arm around him.....i just noticed that the sun was setting......it was beautiful "isn't the sunset beautiful?" "Mhm" The boy replied lightly.....we stood there for a moment just admiring the sunset before he got a phone call "....hello?" This person was so loud I could hear them through the phone "WHERE ARE YOU?! GET HOME NOW OR YOU'RE DEAD!!" The boy stared down at the ground with a blank expression for a moment before saying ".....i....I'll be home soon" He completely ignored my existence as he began walking towards the doors.

But he stopped in his tracks a few steps away from the door as his phone rang again but this time he was visibly shaking as he answered "hel-" He flinched as someone yelled at him through the phone "i-im sorry I'm sorry!" He apologized as he hung up the phone quickly "who was...." He ignored me as he ran through the doors and down the stairs......

i found him standing on the roofWhere stories live. Discover now