Suddenly the guy from before decked in black ran onto the stage and handed the girls a phone... time for another set of risky fan questions. The girls moved closer so as to see the device in Camila's hand, Lauren standing next to her placing her around the brown eyed girls waist. For a while it was generic questions, until Normani took hold of the phone. It was Lauren's turn to answer a question. As she came across the perfect one, her eyes flashed excitedly. 

'Lauren, CamrenForever wants to know: What's your favourite thing about Camila and why?' Normani almost stuttered at the handle name, laughter threatened to escape her lips. Lauren looked sternly at her and turned red through and through as she saw Camila grinning at her.

Normani are you kidding me with this right now, talk about straight up awkward. If only you knew... YOU KNOW, she totally knows. Wait, if she knows, that means - i am so gonna hurt those girls.

'Er okay, this is gonna be a little vague but her perosnality. Like how she is with people, especially strangers and when she meets them for the first time, she's nice no matter what and goes out of her way to make you feel like you're important and wanted. Plus she's always really bubbly and goofy and it's really invigorating to be around someone with that sort of atmosphere' She finished, as the room was silent and her band mates looked at her. 'What? pft... i mean cos' she got da booty, what?' Camila walked over to her again and gave her a big hug as the room exploded into laughter at Lauren's 'presumed' joke. They again went on to run through a few more songs until the phone was brought out again. 

'Before our last song, we want to squeeze in a few more questions and dares because they're always a hoot' Ally informed the crowd. 'So get tweeting'.

'Okay Dinah' Normani started. 'If you were stranded on a desert island, out of the four of us who would you want to be stranded with and why?' Dinah sighed heavily. 

'Girl, that's not fair. I can't pick favourites, i would want all of you because you're all special in your own way' she offered. 

'Aww, Dinah' Lauren said appreciatively. 'Cop out' she muttered.

'Hey!' the taller girl yelled. 

'Okay okay, we'll give you that because it was cute' said Ally letting herself be pulled into the younger girls tight embrace. 

'Ooh Camila and Normani dance contest' Lauren exclaimed, reading off the phone. The two girls simultaneously throwing down their best moves.

'Do the wobble!' Came a yell from the audience. Camila tried but failed quite considerably.

'Lauren, you have to show me how to wobble!' she exasperatedly requested. Camila stood back and let the older girl demonstrate as she pulled off in her opinion the most jaw dropping wobble she had ever seen.

At least from the back anyway... 

'Oh my god, Ally, Normani come here. LC stay' she gestured at the two band members as she showed the two girls beside her the dare on the screen.

'Can we do that? Normani asked excitedly.

'Hold on' Ally called over one of the supervisors as the girls and the crowd watched intently. They grew increasingly concerned when Ally came back with a thumbs up.  'FifthGoesTheHarmony dares Camila and Lauren to sing our last song as a duet' Camila and Lauren laughed half heartedly at their band members, as it just so happened their last song was 'Don't wanna Dance Alone'. A chant of 'do it, do it, do it' was all that could be heard now, the two reluctant girls left in an awkward situation. 

'Er Camila?' Lauren asked. 

'Er' the Cuban girl laughed again. 'Do you guys not mind, i mean...' she questioned.

In One Fell Swoop (A Camren Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora