"What's your name?" I responded, crossed arms over my chest.

"Seriously? Are you that childish? I'm Quinn," of course you are "Now you"


She rose an eyebrow. "AJ? Louis' friend?"


I could sense a Screw you coming my way. Maybe I should stop annoying her. If she stops being stupid.

Quinn rolled her eyes and ignored me and instead show me what we were doing.

"It's normal if you can't do it," she said with a smirk, probably waiting for me to fail so she could mock me. "Not everyone is flexible, mostly people so big"

Is she calling me fat? Did she just call me fat?

I took seven years and a half on gymnastics. If someone here can't do simple splits, that would be Quinn.

Ignoring her snarky comments that just wouldn't stop, I executed all and each of the exercises she showed me easily and left her wide-mouthed when I finished. Suck that up, Quinn.

"Okay, girls," the teacher called upon us with a smile on her red-tinted lips, "We're going to do the mirror exercise, all prepared?"

"Wait, what's the mirror exercise?" I asked my partner, but she ignored me.

We all lined behind the teacher who was in front of one mirror. I was again pushed to the side because I wasn't in the right place, this time by another girl.

"That's my place, go to the back!"

I'm never coming back here.

I joined Court and her smiley partner in the back.

"Hi!" the girl waved at me excitedly. I waved back with a weak smile. "Were you with Quinn? That's terrible, she's mean to newcomers"

"I noticed"

The mirror exercise was just doing what Miss Nataly was doing and seeing ourselves doing it. I have to be honest; I was kinda rusty with the whole ballet thing. It's the first thing I learnt but also my least favourite so I haven't practised in years.

"You're terrible at this," Quinn snickered from the front, and I felt the urge to go there and kick her ass. I ignored her, because, you know, I'm a decent human being.

All the French names the teacher was reciting gave me a headache, and I was having trouble executing the moves and the others. But when I saw my friends doing even worse than me, I sighed. I'm not that bad.

Courtney barely moved. She was almost frozen in place, legs tightly crossed on each other. "Court? What's wrong?"

"I need to go to the bathroom," she whispered while trying to do a pliê on that ridiculous position.

"Then go," I told her.

"I can't. She didn't let me before," she answered, referring to the teacher. "I tried escaping, but she keeps blocking my way with those scary eyes"

I looked at Miss Nataly's sweet smile whilst she directed us with her melodious voice. She doesn't look scary. She looks very nice.

"Alright, I cover you. Let's back away slowly and then you ran out of the door, okay?" I instructed.

She nodded, and we started splitting away from the others as we got closer and closer to the door. I could feel Courtney's relief. Her face emanated happiness, and she sighed audibly, still crossed legged and visibly tensed. Poor thing.

When freedom seemed one step away, perhaps because the door was one step away, her voice filled the room.

"Where are you going? You two one the back?"

Shoot! I forgot about the mirrors. I know, how stupid could I be? After all, the walls were made of them.

"Nowhere, we're just trying to get a better view of...you. Where we were, it was just people and more people. Like a complete wall of tutu girls. Lots of pinks. It was hurting my eyes," I blabbed.

"Well, you can come to the front. Come on, don't be shy. You can even help me with this exercise."

Stupid me! Why did I say that?

We complied and joined the front. The teacher showed us what we were supposed to do, and I shared a panicked look with Courtney. Can she do it?

I went first, hoping she would forget about Courtney. Unfortunately, that wasn't so easy.

"Come on, come on, miss. It's your turn. Show my girls how to do it"

She moved a little, and I whispered in her ear that she should run when I caused the distraction.

She frowned but didn't question me.

I glared at Quinn on my right by the corner of my eye and took advantage of Miss Nataly being fixed on Courtney to walk closer to her.

Behind the teacher, I kicked her leg as hard as I could and she fell on the ground, grabbing the leg close to her with a scream of pain.

Miss Nataly and all the others forgot Courtney completely, opening an exit for her to run away as fast as possible.

"Oh my god, Quinn! Are you okay?" I exclaimed, hand on my mouth and shock over my face as I knelt beside her. "Be more careful, you could've hurt yourself badly!"

"You bitch!" she screamed, and I covered her mouth with my jacket as I pretended to use it as a pillow for her.

I turned to Miss Nataly with a worried look. "I don't know what happened! In one minute she was okay and in the other, she was on the ground. Is she usually this clumsy? Poor thing, I think she hurt her leg"

"Let's take her to the nurse," she instructed, and a couple of girls grabbed her by the arms and took her out of the room. "Um... due to what happened, I think we should stop now. See you next class girls" she waved and disappeared behind a red door I hadn't noticed.

Who's the poor actress now, Deeks?

I grabbed my stuff and Courtney's and went to the girls' dorms to look for her. She wasn't in the dorm room, so I went to the bathroom where I found her sitting on the floor of a stall.

"Court?" I called.

She called back and then the door opened, revealing her.

"Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay? God, I'm good for absolutely nothing"

"You're exaggerating"

"No, I'm not! I suck at everything. I didn't get a part in the play, I can't dance... This isn't fair! You're great at both"

I looked at her, feeling sad for her and not knowing what to say to make her feel better. My mum always said the best way to make someone happy is to make them laugh, so I told her a joke.

"That's a terrible joke, AJ. And it has nothing to do with the conversation but okay," she said with a smile on her lips.

"You should take a shower and so should I, come on"

She nodded, and we went to the showering area.

"Can you believe Louis is friends with that girl?" I asked her.

"She's probably just a classmate, I don't see him hanging out with such a mean person"

"You're probably right"


I don't understand how are you reading this awfulness...

Vote and comment though

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