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“He’s been staring at that wall for an hour now.” Ten stated as he stole a glance at Haechan, who was indeed doing that for a while now.

“Let him be and get back to your own work.” Kun said before laying his eyes back on the laptop screen in front of him.

The two, along with Haechan, were the only ones left in the warehouse. Kun here was marking some papers from his students as, on top of being the institute’s nurse, he also taught biology to the upper classes. Ten had begged him to stay back with him since he still had some things to take care of and now, with the addition of Haechan, it seemed like they’d have to stay longer and keep an eye on him unless they wanted Mark to be mad at them for leaving him alone there.

Talking about the youngest in there, Haechan really had been sitting on that same chair at the corner of the warehouse since he stepped in, staring blankly at the grey wall, and replaying the memory of Jeno’s slightly puffy yet emotionless eyes staring at him before giving a simple nod and walking away without looking back even once.

With frustration easily winning over his emotions, Haechan brought his hands up and started pulling at his hair, wanting to get the other out of his mind.

“Why is it so hard?” He whispered to himself and hated how his voice sounded so weak. “Why is it so hard when I’m the one who chose to end it?”

Launching his head back and finally changing the view for his eyes, to Ten’s (and Kun’s too) relief, the high ceiling was what he was welcomed with. Another boring sight.

Sighing, he rubbed his face before checking the wall clock and sighing deeper at the hands which displayed that it was past one a.m.

‘Where are you?’

Now, with his thoughts shifting back to the main purpose he was there for, he felt himself calm down a bit even if he was worried sick. 

Mark never left for this long without averting at least one of them. And it seemed he said nothing to Jeno too or then by now the other would have said something to the two elders if not him.

The light sound of keyboards being tapped on and the clock’s hands moving were the only things heard for what felt like the longest time ever for Haechan until the loud, sudden, slamming of a door abused their ears which got used to the temporary calm atmosphere, no matter how tense it was.

Haechan couldn’t be gladder than he already was when he turned around and was met with the person who had been at the back of his mind all day, if not at the front because of a certain someone who he should really stop mentioning or even thinking before he gets off the main track again – which was wondering as to why Mark looked so pissed.

True, if his actions weren’t enough than his expression should be.

Mark’s brows were pulled tightly in the middle, creating a clear frown. Then, there were his eyes, the main part of his body language which showed he was not in a good mind if the small cuts on his face didn’t already say that he wasn’t in the right state to mess around with.

Before any of them could greet him or even utter a word, the male made his way straight to the one he was looking for restlessly, after examining the place and finding him at last.

You’d think that Haechan should be the one checking Mark up since he was the one out there doing God knows whatever that earned him those cuts and made him be in this kind of a state; poor boy couldn’t even make simple eye contact properly before feeling his arms being held in a tight grip and then seeing the way Mark’s eyes scanned him with pure fear and worry displayed in them.

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