No Questions?

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After leaving the living room, Mark went upstairs and turned right, going into the room where Haechan slept in, unconsciously, just a few hours ago.

He quickly closed the door behind him and got closer to the small clear windows.

The sun was already up in the sky but it did not shine as much as it normally would because of the clouds which were blocking most of its rays from penetrating.

He pulled the curtains on each side leaving him a clear view of the deserted roads.

By opening the clear glass windows, he let some cold morning air refresh the room.

He let an exhausted sigh out.

'Dealing with a guy you bully is not as easy as it seems.' He thought.

But he enjoyed it when the younger got angry or frustrated. It gave him a different image from what he remembers about him from last year; changing too much though might become a problem in the future and he had to be cautious about that fact.

He observed the roads for any type of unusual presence. None were seen.

He leaned over and checked if his car was still there where he parked it not so long ago. It was parked a few blocks down the road, away from the house, in which they were staying in, to be safe.

It was still there.

From his black, leather jacket's right pocket he took his phone out and checked the time.

"Ten to twelve." He mumbled to himself.

'It's nearly midday, we should probably go now.' He thought while securely closing the windows shut and pulling the curtains close together.

He locked the bedroom's door and headed back downstairs.

When he entered the living room he was welcomed by the view of a sleeping boy - who was being generously kissed by the few sun rays which found their way to brighten the boy's face.

'He is sleeping again.'

"Hey!" Mark shouted harshly.

Haechan was able to sleep for only a few minutes before he heard the harsh shout. He thought about ignoring it but ended up waking up.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Get up. We have to go somewhere." Mark replied while heading towards the main entrance. He unlocked the door and then glanced over at the younger, who was still sitting in the black chair.

"Where?" Heachan asked tilting his head to the side while slowly getting up from the chair.

"Somewhere. Just follow."

Before Mark stepped out of the house he remembered something and faced the boy - who was already behind him and was near to ask something.

"And no questions." He added. After that he went out and Haechan followed without a word.

By making sure the door was locked properly, he started walking down the road. He didn't need to check if Haechan was following. He knew he was when he heard the quick footsteps which were trying to catch up to him.

Once he reached his black car he unlocked it and waited in front of his door.

Haechan eyed the car and then looked up at Mark with confusion evident in his eyes.

"Remember. No questions." The black haired boy repeated before sliding in the driver's seat, closing the door and turning on the car's engine.

Haechan obediently followed his orders and got in the passenger's seat silently, without even making a small sound. He wore the seat belt and kept his gaze and hands on his thighs not letting them roam anywhere else.

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