What happened?

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Haechan glanced up at Mark, who was silently eating his breakfast in front of him, and slightly bit his bottom lip in frustration.

The two had woken up as usual, Mark before him, but he knew from the moment he stepped in the kitchen – after taking a quick shower – that the other’s mood was quite low, if the atmosphere being a thickness which could be cut with a knife was anything to go by. That’s why he didn’t bother asking anything or even try to start up a conversation, scared he might tick the other off if he said the wrong thing. Still, it had been too long and they were about to finish their light meal, so Haechan finally built his guts up to ask him something which he had been thinking of since yesterday.

“Ma–” However, it seemed like Mark had other plans.

“You have nothing to do today, right?” Mark nonchalantly asked as he stood up and put his dishes in the sink, wearing the gloves first before he started washing them.

Haechan closed his mouth and hummed, losing his appetite all of a sudden and not caring much about how Mark came and took the bowl of milk, with some cereals left in it, away from him.

“Then how about I drop you off to the warehouse?”


“I need to go somewhere.” The silence that followed the sentence made it easy for Haechan to hear the other words Mark had mumbled under his breath. “And since it’s been a while from when I last saw her, it’s about time I pay her a visit again.”

‘Her?’ This peaked Haechan’s attention and he couldn’t help himself getting serious and accidentally run his mouth too much. When he realised it, the words had already spilt from his mouth.

“Can I not come?” Haechan mentally face palmed himself but still was glad he said it a vague manner and didn’t directly go and ask who he was visiting.

Mark didn’t answer. 

Haechan didn’t know if he never heard it or deafened his ear towards it. The younger got a little anxious. Being relieved right now wouldn’t be the best option when the latter possibility was wide open. And if Mark really did purposely ignore him, it meant he made him uncomfortable with his question and Haechan despised the mere thought of it. But with the way Mark turned around with a blank face, it seemed like his fear was true.

‘Great!’ He sarcastically applauded to his misery as he saw the elder take off the gloves and starting to head out of the kitchen.

“Get ready. I’ll drop you off there.” Mark instructed as he left to probably take a shower too.

“What am I? His little brother he was forced to take care of? Or the child he never wanted?” Haechan scoffed, getting a little irritated over how he was getting such distant attitude when he swore he did nothing wrong to deserve it. “Or did I actually do something wrong?”

With that thought in mind, a pout made its way on his lips, upset how the possibilities of him accidentally doing something to offend the elder were not impossible.

After pondering over what he had been doing so far and personally not finding something to blame himself on, Haechan decided to give up and let it be. He also remembered how if Mark really was bothered by what he did or said, he would have already consulted him about it – though it probably wouldn’t have been in a calm manner; that’s better than nothing, at least.

With that in mind, he quickly made his way to their shared room to get changed because, at the end, it was true, he had nothing better to do other than stay back alone so what better way to spend the day than go to a place where there was always something to do. Even if that something may be to stare at a wall for hours it was still better than being alone; someone was bound to be there.

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