D I E C I S I E T E-"My favorite heels? A leather dress? Is it my birthday?"

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Monica was restless,not having Angel in bed with her was not something she was used to. The sun rose and Monica was even more worried when she woke up and didn't find her large man in bed with her. She had gotten dressed,not feeling in the mood to dress up and do her usual make up. She sat at her table,staring at the cup of coffee after she had asked Adelita for Angel only to learn he hadn't even seen her at all last night.

She didn't want to worry the MC,and remembering that they were moving Celia's dead body made her even more concerned. She called her contact in the local PD,learning that Angel and EZ had been brought in and released within a few hours.Her hands shook in fear, not knowing what had happened to them was killing her.

The phone rang and rang,Angel never picked up. "Angel,please call me. I need to know that you're okay,I know what happened. Please call me,I need to hear your voice. Te amo,Mi Angel."

Angel sat in the recliner while talking to his father when his phone vibrated again,Monica's name on the screen. Her name and the word rebellion clicked in his mind,Angel rising quickly and ignoring Felipe he left his childhood home with one word falling from his lips. "Monica."

She had chosen to stay home,her mind was spinning with all the pacing and worrying she went back to their room and started going through a couple of the boxes with his stuff that he had brought over from his house. Her shaking hands began to hang his clothes,everything felt wrong and her mind began to race with all of the worst case scenarios and the one of Angel laying dead on the ground fogged her mind the most and brought tears to her eyes. Her tears streamed down her face,clutching the red and black flannel he wore so often. It smelled of him and she choked back a sob thinking about how she had only just told him she loved him.

"I'm so sorry,Mi Angel. Te amo."She cried,holding the flannel to her chest. "Please be okay."

Angel ran up the stairs of the house,his heart breaking at the sight of his lover on the ground crying holding his flannel to her chest as she sobbed. "Mi reina."Angel whispered,falling to his knees. Monica raised her eyes,the tears blurred her vision but she'd recognize her man anywhere. She crawled into his open arms,wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. Angel sighed,running his hand through her long hair. The whole night she had been the only thing on his mind,and this morning the thought of something happening to her scared him to no end.

"Angel. You're okay."She sniffled,burying her face in his neck.

"Yeah mami,I'm okay. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner."Angel whispered,he still felt the rage towards his brother and father for betraying him the way they did.

"What happened,they told me you were released hours ago ."She whispered,closing her eyes at the feeling of his large hand rubbing her back soothingly. Angel pulled her legs around him,standing with her clutching onto him like a Koala. He kicked off his boots and crawled into bed with her,holding her to his chest tightly.

"Tell me you love me."Angel whispered,twirling a blonde lock around his finger.

"I love you,Angel."She kissed him,his bearded lips responding in kind. She tasted a salty water in the kiss,pulling away to see him crying. "What's wrong,Mi Angel?"

"You won't betray me,right? You'd never lie to me or hurt me,would you mama?"His voice was small,and it broke her heart to hear him so sad.

"No baby,I love you. I don't ever wanna hurt you or lose you. Te amo."She assured him,pulling him into her chest as he cried.

He cried into her chest,telling her everything that had happened after he had let her go last night. She felt his anger fill her,her small hand rubbing his back softly. She hated to see him so upset,the betrayal of his family hitting him hard. It wasn't until his breathing evened out while she was running her hands through his hair as he laid on her chest that she noticed he had fallen asleep. She sighed and hugged him closer,smiling when he grunted and buried his face further into her chest. "I love you."He mumbled and tightened his arms around her.

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