Reader x Ann Takamaki (Persona 5)

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"It's super-hot out here!" Ann exclaims, pulling at the edge of her t-shirt.

"Sure is," You put your hand on your girlfriend's back and smile, "Let's go find some shade."

You are out and about with Ann Takamaki on a summer day. She hit up your phone and asked if you wanted to spend some time together now that her schedule is clear for once. Ever since her last magazine shoot, she's totally blown up; you barely have time for each other anymore. She's always jetting to random places for fashion jobs or interviews. So the prospect of an entire day with her is an appealing one. You just wish that the weather was a bit less harsh than it is right now.

You find an empty bench under a tree and sit down. The wood burns your ass a little bit, but you settle in once the rays stop beating down on the top of your head, "It's nice to finally have some time together."

Ann looks apologetic, "I'm sorry! I wish I could do this every week – but my manager thinks I should make the most of things while I'm popular. These opportunities don't come by every day."

"I know Ann. This is your career. I don't expect you to ditch it to spend time with me."

Ann pouts, "I totally would." She shimmies up to you and hugs your arm, "You're the most important thing to me."

"Life isn't just about your boyfriend. You can't pay the bills with me. I'm not legal tender."

"I guess..." Ann leans in and pecks you on the cheek. You understand why everyone wants a piece of her. She's incredibly beautiful. "That manager though, he's getting too cheeky. He was getting mad about me going out with you! That's none of his business."

"Am I not good looking enough for him?"

"Psh, he was talking about how it'd made all of my fans upset like I'm some kind of idol. I'm a model, I'm not going to be out shaking hands and signing DVDs. And if there's a problem with me having a boyfriend than they can keep it to themselves."

Ann pulls up one of her bags and searches through her spoils, she's always looking for new things to wear. For her and you. Ann has a thing for co-ordinated outfits. When you started dating you weren't the most fashionable person in the world. Through osmosis you now have an intimate knowledge of every hot trend and a wardrobe to match.

"You never do like to do what people tell you."


You pull a small white box out of your own bag and place it on your lap.

Ann holds up her arms in defence, "Don't do it, I've already broken my pledge this week."

"Too bad. If you wait it'll go out of date." You pull off the lid and reveal a pair of cake slices. You hold the box up to Ann and her token resistance is shattered in mere moments. She reaches in and claims one of them for herself, leaving the other for you. She hums in delight as she takes the first bite.

"Ish good."

You enjoy your own piece. Ann destroys it in a time that would be gluttonous for anyone else. You're only halfway through when Ann is cleaning off her fingers with a tissue. She gets back onto your arm and pushes her chest against you, you blush and borrow the tissue to clean off your own fingers.

"You're so cute when you blush like that."

"It's hard not to when you're around."

She smiles and wraps her arms around the back of your head. Your lips meet in a deep kiss. You pull away and embrace her, feeling the sweat on her skin. "Your still taste of cake," you whisper.

"And you stink."

You separate, "Maybe we should go back to my place and take a shower. Have you had your fill?"

"Yep! Let's go."

You catch the train back to your neighbourhood. You still live with your parents right now, which can make things difficult when Ann comes around to visit. You're at that age where you're in work but without a place of your own.

"You think you're gonna' have enough cash to get your own place soon Ann?"

"Why? Are you afraid that your parents are going to hear?"

"Maybe. I'd be less worried if you didn't squeal so loud every time." Ann blushes. You've had a few heart stopping moments where you thought that you parents had come home during your... private time.

"Not really. It'd be nice."

You unlock your front door and step inside, "If we stick together, we could each pitch in half for a place."

Ann stops, "Wait, are you suggesting that we move in together?"

"I don't know. I was just suggesting..."

Ann quiets you with another kiss, "I'd be happy to."


You walk through into the kitchen, "Mom, dad?" No response. You spy a note on the dining room table, "Visiting Matsumoto-san, will be back later." Ann pokes her head into the room.

"Are you parents out?"

"Paying a visit to one of the neighbours. They'll be gone for a while."

By your calculations, it's two hours until they usually begin to prepare your evening meal. Whenever they go out to visit a neighbour, they usually spend a significant amount of time catching up with them in the way that older people do. Ann gets that devilish glint in her eye; you know what that means.

"Hm. Would you like to save some water?"

You slam your hands down on the table, "I'd love to."

Ann dashes up the stairs with you hot on her tail. You take a left into your room and pull out some of the spare clothes that Ann keeps in your house for times like this. You open the sliding door and find Ann already half naked, jean shorts and shirt discarded into the basket. She's lithe and delicate, but still fit. You can tell that she works hard to maintain her body.

You take off your own shirt and slacks. Ann unclips her bra and removes her underwear, leaving her completely naked. She strikes a little poke, hands on her hips. It only serves to emphasise her wonderfully sculpted body and perky chest. She undoes her twin tails and throws out her flowing blonde hair.

"So are we getting dirty before we get clean?" she winks.

"It'd be a waste to wash and then get all sweaty again." Your naked bodies meet in another kiss. Your hands roam over her bare skin, down her sides and to her behind.

"Let's hurry up before your parents come back."

The bath is slippery, messy, and a lot of fun. But by the time they return with a bag of second-hand fruit and veg your parents can see nothing amiss. You and Ann are seated at the dining room table, smiling like a pair of angels that totally did not just bang two or three times in the bathroom while they weren't looking.

"Oh, Takamaki-san! Did you two have a nice day out together?"

"Of course, but the weather is killer today."

"I know," you mother nods, "I swear, it gets hotter every summer."

And don't you know it.

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