Shy Male Reader X Blake Belladonna (RWBY) PART 1

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The bustling crowds of Beacon academy are the last place that you want to be.

They push past you, talking and laughing with each other. You self consciously imagine that they're laughing at you, instead of what was probably a silly joke or story. The ground here looks nice, a lot nicer than the muddy floor of your small home town. Knowing yourself, the two of you are going to become very closely acquainted.

It's only by a stroke of intense luck, and maybe a tiny bit of skill, that you were even permitted to attend this academy. You don't work well in teams. You're more of a liability most of the time, following the orders of others closely and never letting your own voice be heard; which in situations that often rely on quick thinking, makes you a pain to work with.

Clutching your luggage tightly to your chest you weave through the crowds of students. You avoid eye contact by any means possible and quickly enter into the main building where the headmaster would hold his introductory speech for all the new students. You find a quiet corner to hold out in, you don't like large crowds of people, you never have.

The crowd soon filters in, packing the large hall wall to wall. You finally manage to peel your eyes away from the floor as the principal approaches the stage to begin his speech. You pay rapt attention as he speaks of strength and honour, and fighting the defend those who cannot defend themselves.

But you feel doubt in the back of your mind. You're strong, in some ways, you can handle yourself in a fight. But you still wouldn't dare make eye contact with another person, or even talk to them in some cases.

The students begin to pull apart and leave to find their (temporary) dorms, after all, tomorrow is the process that determines the teams that will stay together for their time at the academy.

You're dreading it.


The next morning you pull out your combat outfit. It's rather plain, apart from a deep blue scarf which you use as a mask to cover the lower half of your face. Your mother gave it to you as a gift, but it's now found an entirely new, unexpected purpose. You also tie an old piece of the scarf (torn away a year ago) around your right biceps. You don't like to go without the whole thing.

You feel a small surge of confidence fill you. Covering your face, even if it's only the bottom half, makes you feel much better. Almost as if you're a different person who doesn't have to worry about what people think. That when you remove it at the end of the day, you're also removing any embarrassing moments that happened with it.

Then there's your weapon, or weapons. You can't afford anything fancy like some of the other kids at this school. But your family has a little bit of a history of huntsmen, in fact when your great uncle found out about your training he immediately came to your town and handed you some family heirlooms, left untouched for a generation. And gave you some forceful training in how to handle them.

First is a rapier, well worn from countless battles. It's a long sword that curves slightly at the end. It provides superior reach and agility compared to a regular sword.

Next is your ranged weapon, as is tradition for a huntsman. These days most people like to combine their ranged and melee weapons together for easier use. But your training was different, instead you had two pistols. Your great uncle had taught you well on how to use both the sword and pistol in each hand. The second was a backup. (Although unknown to him, you had tried to dual wield them once. A mistake you wouldn't repeat again after a bloodied nose and a busted wrist.)

You place them in two holsters, one on your chest and one on your hip. That way, no matter what, there's always one at your fingertips. You tug down on the scarf to hide the one of your chest.

Male Reader XOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz