Reader x Ivy Valentine (Soul Calibur)

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You are a mere wandered, cast into the stormy tides of the world you call home. What you search for is your own business. Ivy Valentine has been accompanying you on your journey, in the hopes of one day finding the cursed sword and breaking the curse. Getting any information out of her is an incredibly difficult task. She is domineering, cold, and often more focused on reading and studying than paying any mind to you. It's a stark contrast from her preference in clothing, if you can even call it that. A tight purple series of strings that can barely constrain her proportions from sight.

Not that you're stupid enough to comment on such a thing. You've seen her fight with that whip, a wicked weapon that can transform back into a sword at will. Most don't even get close before having their heads separated from their shoulders. You keep yourself quiet and try not to ask too many prying questions.

You know a little about her. There are rumours and whispers shared amongst tavern patrons and mercenaries alike. The ageless warrior who strikes down any who stand in her way, single-mindedly seeking the cursed blade. The last time you asked...

"Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age?" Ivy sneered. Every movement of her body caused it to jiggle in all of the most distracting places.

You thought better of asking anything more. The real mystery is why she decided to accompany you, of all people, on this quest. Ivy is not a sociable person. Years of isolation have formed a hardened outer shell that you aren't gifted enough to crack. The turning point in your relationship came after you defeated a group of bandits who were terrorizing a local town. She had rinsed them for everything they knew and left them for dead.

"That was interesting."

"Do you think I should have shown mercy to them? They were nothing more than vultures, the world will be better without them."

"No. I'm not a fan of criminals like them."

"You are a stepping stone. Nothing more and nothing less. I would gladly sacrifice your life to achieve my aim. Do you understand?"

You nod, "Yes."

Her eyes narrow. She turns around and begins to walk away, forcing you to jog to catch up with her. "I didn't expect you to comply so readily."

You sheath your weapon, "I respect you enough not to say something you wouldn't like."

"Hm, and that would be?"

You try to stay your tongue, but if she's asking. "Fine. I'm sure it's no secret to you that you're very attractive."

She smirks, "Seduction is a weapon in my arsenal, yes. I do not wear these foolish clothes to practice my love for exhibitionism. And?"

"...That's really it," you admit, "Unless you want me to call you callous, or cruel."

"That's what most people say, but I prefer the word realistic. This world is a transient place, full of cruelties and tragedy. Yet I cannot leave it behind no matter how hard I try."

"So the rumours are true, you seek an end to your own immortality."

She doesn't respond. Maybe she thinks it isn't worth a response. That is, until you come across a stream running through the forest. The clear blue water seems to snap Ivy back to her senses, "Even the gentlest stream can cut a path through the hardest stone. Given enough time. And I could stand there and watch as it happens." She turns to face you, ivory white hair flowing in the breeze, "And men like you, so confident in yourself. You will wither away into nothing within a second of my perception."

"Is there a reason you're travelling with me? Beyond using my skills for your own purposes."

She gives a bitter laugh, "Who is to say?"

Male Reader XWhere stories live. Discover now