Reader X Blake Belladonna (RWBY) - Camping Out

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Doing odd jobs with Blake is always a fun time. Lots of people need a little help now and then, especially from a pair of talented hunters like you. It's even better because you get to spend some alone time together without Yang or Ruby sticking their noses into your business or teasing you relentlessly. The two of you have settled down in a clearing for the night, as the hunt is taking longer than you first expected. You pitched the tent and got a fire burning to keep you both warm through the cold night.

The conversation is lively despite her usually reclusive personality. Maybe because you mentioned a certain blonde menace in passing, who you met before you left. "Let me guess, Yang started running her mouth about me again?"

You shrug, "She told me you were a hopeless romantic."

Blakes scowls, "Not so hopeless when I have you, am I?"

"You know what she means, you're always nose deep in some romance novel." You rub the back of your head, "To be honest - that kind of thing is beyond me. Unless you want a bouquet of roses."

Blake looks around the clearing with her glowing yellow eyes, "And where do you suppose you'll find such a thing all the way out here?"

"I could pick them."

She lightly slaps the top of your head, "If you paid attention in class, you'd know that roses don't grow here."

You spend more time by the fire until the sun sets beneath the canopy of trees overhead. You retreat back into your survival tent with Blake and decide to turn in for the night. Blake is a sound sleeper, but you sometimes have trouble when the weather isn't favourable. You take off your armor and put away your weapon, keeping it by your bed in case of an emergency. Blake does the same, leaving herself in her shorts and bra.

"I'm turning the light off."

The tent is dark, really dark. The only thing you can see if Blake's luminous eyes staring straight at you. Her gaze doesn't falter for several minutes as the chill begins to set in.

"I'm cold," she pouts. For a moment you don't know how to respond to her, but she forces herself over to your side of the tent and pulls open the top of your sleeping bag. Blake slides into the sleeping bag with you. It's a tight fit, even with Blake's lithe feline body. The feel of her bare skin against yours makes you heat up, but maybe not in the way she expects.

Blake doesn't waste any time in wrapping her slender arms around your board shoulders and pulling you into a romantic cuddle. "Why didn't we get one of these big enough for two?" she quired, ears twitching and sending wafts of air into your face.

"They don't sell them for couples," you answer. Your legs are intertwined like the roots of a tree. You can feel the bumps on her pale skin with the tip of your finger. This unusually intimate side of Blake is a rare treat. The moment is shattered when you feel her pedicured fingers wrap around your little downstairs friend. "Blake?"

She doesn't respond as she slowly palms it to full hardness. Blake doesn't like saying things out loud. Being a body language expert is a requirement, her ears make things easier. You can tell when she's interested in the current discussion or not just by the way they move. That hardened outer shell made things difficult at first. Intimacy with Blake doesn't happen by planning and agreement, it just happens sometimes when she feels like it. Not that you have an issue with the arrangement. Blake is really sexy, and you're always up to play with the cat any time any place.

You push aside her panties and slip inside of her with a grunt. There's little time for foreplay or whispered words, or even the space for much movement. The hug tightens as you push yourself deeper. Blake meowls and gasps as she feels her inner walls clamp down on you. "You couldn't just ask me?"

Blake's blush is nearly bright enough to light up the tent, she turns away from you in a huff. You draw out another squeak by thrusting your hips into her a few more times. You pull her back into the hug and continue, kissing at her neck and inhaling the smell of her body. Her hair is a complete mess, and you've long passed the point of merely warming yourselves up, you can feel the sweat beginning to build on both of your bodies.

The heat, the sensations, the casual manner in which she dragged you into an impromptu session of lovemaking were enough to drag you to the edge of climax after only a few minutes, but the story was much the same for her. Not wanting to keep the lady waiting you bury yourself deep as your can go and let loose against the back of her snug cavity. Blake shudders in her own mutual orgasm as you do.

You both pant heavily, trying to harvest some air for your tired lungs. It was one of the most intense things you'd ever felt. It went by in a flash, but will stick in your mind for a long, long time. You kiss Blake, on the lips this time, and hold her close as she comes down from her high. The heat is stifling now.

"I'm warm," she moans.

"I can never win with you," you reply.

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