In there was Katsuki Kirishima, holding a baby boy with a dirty blonde hair and sharp teeth like Ei's and on the counter playing with blocks was his twin, she had a black hair but normal teeth just like Kat's.

Kirishima's mom and older sister now were fangirling about the twin as they took pictures along with Mina,Uraraka, and Hagakure
Kirishima and Bakugou just looked at eachother with a slight blush about the last name and the children but they were happy.

"Can you take Ryujin(the boy) and Kyousei(the girl) to living room with Ei and Sakurajima???"
"Okay Papa" He said as he picked up Kyosei and took Ryujin from his arm
Katsuki smiled as Kota bring the twins to the living room.

After awhile, the cake was done as well as the other beverages, the rest of the Bakusquad (including Jirou) + Momo and Shinsou came earlier to celebrate their nephew's and niece's birthday as now Sakurajima and Kota blow the candle.
After that was done and everyone got a slice of cake, Kota was about to get the present for him and Sakurajima until...
"" (Ni-Chan means sister and Ni-San means brother)

Everyone turned their head on the twins that were on Katsuki's and Eijirou's lap who were sitting close to them as the both making a grabby hand motion at the birthday siblings. Everyone awwed as Sakurajima beamed with happiness and Kota were trying to fight back his already cracking smile and teary eyes.

Everyone awwed at this.

"*Gasp* say it again say it again!!!!!" Saku said as she hold her little brother, Kota doing the same with the other twin
"Ni-Cah!!!Ni-Ca!!!I-Chan!!!" He tried to say in a failed attempt but it was enough to make anyone's heart squeezed.
"C-can you say it again!!??"
"Ni..Kota-Nii!!!Ota-nii!!!" Kyousei tried to say but like his brother, failed
"THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT EVER!!!!" Sakurajima squealed in happiness as Kota held Kyousei tightly.
"Im gonna protect them for the rest of my life" He said sternly as Kyousei played with his face. But if you looked closer you could see the happy tears on his eyes that he tried to fight back.

Many people gigled as Kota just sunk in hus sear from the tease and embarassment

"Hi everyone sorry im late!!! So what did i miss???" A girl with white blueish hair and a horn in her right forehead walked in holding a bag, Eri.

"Look!!!Im so pretty!!!" Eri said in excitement
"So Pure....." Everyone thought

"Oh hey Kota!!!" Eri said as she kissed his cheek.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT-" Shinsou with Aizawa shouted in shook as bith of them stared at Kota
"Babe let it go theyre just kids" Both of their loud blonde boyfriend said
"For now but i will be wathing you...."

"Hey Eri..."
"Nii!! Ni-Chan!!!" Kyousei pointed at Eri who just squealed and goes to pick up Sakurajima and Kyousei

"Woah im so strong!!!"
"So Cute..." Everyone thought

"Awwe come on no words for daddy???" Kirishima pretended to be sad but at the same time were smirking
"Shaki!!!Sharki!!!!" Both of the twin said at the same time. Everyone cant keep their laughter for now as The Bakusquad laughing on the floor, Shinsou and Momo were trying really hard not to laugh but obviously failed.

"Out of all words why did they had to call me that!!!?" Kirishima cried as Everyone in the teater laughed loudly, Especially the Bakusquad and the Kirishima's sibling
"Aw Come on not you too Babe!!!"
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry i cant help it-"

"I take it back when i said i dont like my birthday to be celebrated. This is the best present ever" Kota said as him and Eri was still slightly laughing.
"All the time teaching them that words were worth it" Kaminari and Mina said as Kirishima was wailing in the floor.
The rest of the evening was fun, they got to eat the cakes, hear more attempts of the twins to try and say more words, etc.

Then the screen turned black.

"Soo how do you guys think??" Yurei asked
"It was so wholesome! I think my heart cant take it anymore-" Mina said then dramatically fainted as some of the theater laughed at her reaction.

"It was so sweet, im glad Katsuki is happy in the future with him" Masaru said smiling
"I agree, i cant wait to have my grandbabies now" Kirishimas mom said making the two boys blushed at the comment.

"Alright then lets move to the next shall we??"

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