If Aizawa Was A Mom

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Yurei just stared to the screen before begining to laughing so hard making the whole studio confused.
"Excuse me Young Yurei but what is it about the universe that made you laughing this hard?" All Might asked
"yeah,what is it about Yurei-Chan?"asked Mina
"pfft....this universe called.. 'If Aizawa was a dad' and i think you guys need a break from the previous universe so i give you guys a happier one!" she answered managed to hold her laugh
"wait what do you mean by Aizawa sensei as a mom?"
"Just see"
The screen showed Aizawa sleeping in a bed with some dishes around him
"WERE FUCKING LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" Kaminari and Kirishima just stare at him and continued talking like it was nothing
then Jirou grab Yaoyoruzu's ass made her blushing "No not by that!"
the entire studio was starting to laugh while Jirou and Yaoyoruzu was blushing
The screen shows Uraraka was pouring cereal to her bowl
"NO THERE'S NO TIME FOR CEREAL HERE WERE DOING GRANOLA BAR!!!" Aizawa said as he took the cereal box from her and threw it away then threw some Granola bar in her face
"NO,NO TIME FOR GRANOLA BAR!!!" he then took away the granola bar and throw it away leaving Uraraka in confusion
"Fuck it,Well just have to move breakfeast to lunch and lunch to dinner"
"Everyone grab a coffee because dinner happening in three in the morning" he said while pouring coffee to his face
Everyone now was laughing especially Denki and Mina
"GET DRESSED UP YOU LAZY SON OF A BITCH!!" Aizawa scream picking up M*neta from his bed
"YOURE CHANGING YOUR OWN DIAPER!!" he then slam Mineta to the floor
"Hey! why mee????" the grape thot said while the whole teater still laughing ignoring him
The scene changed to Mina holding a glass of milk and Aizawa was wearing a mexican hat
"Hey,Aizawa can i ha-"
"No, you cant have milk on taco tuesday"
"Because its not mexican NOW EAT YOUR DORITOS" He said to Mina and throw a bag of Doritos to her face followed by some laugher from Kaminari,Kirishima,and Sero from the back at the room
The scene changed showing Aizawa was cooking while holding his phone talking to Present Mic
"Who is your favorite child in your class Aizawa?"
"No,i dont have a favorite child.
i do have the least favorite, and its the YOUNGEST" Aizawa said to the phone pointing to Min*ta and all of the class that misheard him cant helped but laugh while the grape thot just stared at the floor
"HEY! why is it always mee?!?!?"said the useless grape perv but get ignored again
The scene changed to a field where class 1a having a soccer competition with class 1b, and at the corner of the field there the teachers watching them out of boredom,Aizawa sat between Mic and All Might,but then Aizawa shout
Bakugou sigh in annoyance and accidently kick the ball (I mean the soccer ball) to Aizawa face,Mic and Midnight then laughed at Aizawa while All Might asked him if he was okay but Aizawa shout again to Bakugou
Mic and Midnight was laughing more hardly while Bakugou just blushed and Kirishima looked then smirks at him making him blushed more hardly
The whole studio especially class 1a was laughing so hard that they started to dying especially Kaminari,Mina,and Sero.Bakugou just blushed from the screen and Kirishima just smirks at him making Bakugou blushed harder
The screen changed to Aizawa was trying to get his phone
"Give me back my phone before you see my clint"
then Aizawa was sitting on the couch holding the tv remote with Todoroki beside him
*sigh* "I love Hizashi,he's not a bad gay dude" Aizawa said under his breath but get heard by Todoroki that looked shocked and confused
The scene changes to Aizawa was putting some mac and cheese to a bowl
"Theyre gonna shut up and eat it like its ass" then he taste it but his face was showing that he was pissed
"Which one of you kids that came into my mac and cheese?"he asked but no one answered while Kirishima and Todoroki just smirks to Bakugou and Midoriya making the two blushed so hard and Mina was taking pictures of the two couples while laughing
Now the wonder duo was blushing hard when their tops were smirking at them while the teater was more laughing and some of them was dying
"*huff* Why is my life become like this" Aizawa mutter under his sleeping bag
"Shinsou i need you to get off the toilet,im starting to cram..."
the scene changed to Iida wearing a dino costume in the pool with his legs was tied
"Sensei i need help i passed out and the others put me in the Dino costume and put me in the Pool"
the scene changed again to Aizawa that was chasing M*neta while calling Midnight
"No,its the baby this time he's running away from home and he's taking one of my good coffee" He then captured him and take his coffee again
"Alright crisis averted" he said then throwing him away
"you think you have it bad,my kids are at the age when theyre starting to have sex. With eachother"Aizawa said to Mic and Midnight that looked shoked
the scene changed to Aizawa was beating M*neta in front of his student
"um s-sensei t-that was k-kinda harsh...."
"Its not a crime if its your child"
the screen changed again showing Aizawa in front of the kitchen holding a stroller facing Hagakure
"I brought you a kitchen and a stroller, so you could be ready when you give up on your dream" He said leaving her in pure shock
Then it shows Aizawa was in the same field whre both classess was still playing soccer shouting to Kaminari who failed to made a score
"I SHOULD'VE BIRTHED YOU IN THE FUCKING TOILET BOWL!!" he shouted while Kaminari was nervously grinning at his direction
It changed again to Aizawa locked in a gate in the kitchen
"Son of a Bitch, YOU OPEN THIS GATE RIGHT NOW OR IM COUNTING TO THREE" he said to his student who was laughing
"1....4- You lucky i dropped out of Collage" he said in disbelief as his student was more laughing
At this point half of the teater was crying and laughing uncontrollably
The scene changed again to Aizawa taking all the toilet paper from the bathroom with Shinsou in it
"Thats it,You just lost toilet paper priviladges have fun getting creative"
Then it shows Aizawa running in the kitchen with some pan in his hand
then Tokoyami and Tsuyu walked into the kitchen
The scene changed again to the dining room where Aizawa was pouring some Tuna casserole to all af his student, Sero just stared at his plate then Aizawa speaks
"If you dont like my tuna casserole, then youre a retard and a liar, or worse A Vegan" and Sero just stared at him with a 'What the fuck' face
It changes again to Aizawa driving some of his student to the mall
"YOU JUST LOST YOUR SEALTBELT PRIVILAGES MOTHERFUCKER" he said to M*neta then throw him out of the car
"I need you to stop going trough puberty" Aizawa said to Jirou
The screen changed again to the kitchen
"You get the fuck out of my kitchen or im telling Kirishima about your tiny dick" Aizawa said to Bakugou who enters the kitchen while he was cooking
"Come on were going on a Casserole drive-by" he said to Shinsou
"Thanks for coming to the baptism!" he shout to All Might as he threw a box of Casserole to his face
"Happy birthday Yamada!" he shout again as he do the same thing to him
"No one likes you Nemuri"
"This one's for me"
he said while eating it leaving Midnight in confusion
The scen cahenged again to the dining room with Mina and Aizawa who was still wearing his mexican hat
"Its a one night a week its fun to be a foreigner"
The screen changed again to Aizawa calling All Might in the sofa
"I just need a shoulder i could cry on,connecting to a dick i can sit on"
"oOoH dignose me doctor ox" All Might just think across the phone 'Why the fuck did you call me for this'
The scene changed to the gym pool at their school with Aizawa was wathing them. Midoriya then accidently kicked the volley ball to his face
"You throw gayer than your father!!"
"And he's so gay he fucked me"
"Ohh sweetie your not a mistake," Aizawa said to M*neta making him smile for a little
"Your a regret, now pick up this shit" he said pointing at the girl poster that hanging in all over the room
The scene changed to the road with some traffic light, then there is a car that honk from behind Aizawa's car

The End~

"So...what do guys think...?" Yurei asked all of them after some calming down
"It was so hilarious!!!" shout Mina followed by some nodding from the room
"I agree, this one was pretty funny" All might said to Yurei.
"Aww man i hope we could have some copy of this..." Kaminari said
"Well after this was over i could give you the copy!" Yurei said to him
"YESS!!" now i have blackmail for Blasty"
"Okay now everyone, were moving to the new multiverse!"

~Searching Multiverse~

~Finding Multiverse~

~Founded Multiverse~

~Loading multiverse~














Multiverse loading done
Hey guys!! so i will having a short hiatus until my exam are done, so i could focus more for the exam. im sorry
and i hope you guys could understand.
If you had a request of au, just tell me and i will try to write them!!

Edit: ha,fuck i forget to put the vid, imma gonna put it now

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