Watching Over You

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⚠️Warning!!! This universe contains:
-Suicide Attempt
-Angst (Maybe? i dunno? im sucks at writing angst)
-Kinda Inspired by one of  LampLight143
fanfic. Credits to them!!!
<By the way in this universe Bakugou already soften up to Kirishima and Deku>

'Watching Over You'
"Oh god......"
"What wrong Yurei?" Hagakure asked her
"Ive never seen this one before....hold on let me do a quick preview in other room...but dont worry one of my friends will replace me for a while!!!" She said as a girl teleported to the room that looked like this

"What the hell do you want,Yurei?""Hey Cas!!! can you watch them while im doing a quick universe review?""Oh its for fanfic isnt it?" the girl asked"SHHH!!!! NO BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!!!" Yurei said before returning her direction to all of the t...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"What the hell do you want,Yurei?"
"Hey Cas!!! can you watch them while im doing a quick universe review?"
"Oh its for fanfic isnt it?" the girl asked
"SHHH!!!! NO BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!!!" Yurei said before returning her direction to all of the teater
"Let me introduce you, this is Cassey! she will be watching over you while i do a quick review!" Yurei said intoducing Cassey to everyone then teleported to another room
"Hey Wassup" Cassey wave at their direction
"Hi Cassey if you didnt mind what are you exacly??" Deku asked while holding his notebook
"Oh im a guardian of the multiverse to, especially to took care of the negative creature that could corrupt the multiverse"
"Wait what do you mean by that?" Mic asked
" know.....there are guardian of the multiverse because there are this nightmare-ish creature we called Somnum Exterreri that are accidently created by the thought of evil in a universe without the universe known about it....but the thought will born outside of the universe as a heartless creature that only live to  slowly corrupt then destroy the multiverse forever even the universe the creature came from itself.....they are extremly powerful that made it so hard, even kinda imposibble to beat it" Cassey said

"But do you defeat the creature??" Hawks asked with a worried face

"Its because along when Somnum Exterreri was created, there are these creature of Hope and Dreams we called Spem Somnia. that are created by the hopes and dreams from the people that came from the same universe where Somnum Exterreri was born. they both were born,destinied to be enemy, making the balance across the multiverse."
"We, the guardian of multiverse only exist to making sure the balance was never ruined and helping Spem Somnia control the population of Somnum Exterreri that was out of control because now the darkness started to spread more easily because of the evil thoughts from every universe started to increased....and beacuse of this.....I, as of one of the guardian with the most highest rank and stongest power, shall thank you all the UA students and Pro Heroes for not giving up on your hopes and dreams. As for the villains, im so sorry about what happened to you in your universe and thank you for taking the dirty part of keeping the balance even if you went overboard. besides, The Guardians will be useless after all without your existance. You guys have my honor to meet you all"Cassey explain longly to everyone in the room
(A/N:Im sorry for this nonsense but i need to come up with side story or else im not comfortable with this...Ok ill leave now)
"Whoa...thats.... alot to take in...and im really sure that my brain will explode in any minutes now.."Kaminari said breaking the silence making all of the teater laugh
"But seriously tho, we just ger honored by one of the most powerfull guardian of the multiverse!!! can you believe that??" Sero said still surprised about Cassey's long speech
The whole studios now was filled with the noices from all the people that was still amazed by Cassey's long speech until suddenly they hear a ghost like cry sending chills to all of them. Cassey then go to the room where Yurei went and comes back with Yurei that was crying black tears from her eyes making the whole teater get creeped out
"Wh-whats wrong Yurei-Chan? is the next universe was very sad??" Mina asked her
"You...IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!" She shouts as she charged to her but get holded by Cassey
"Wh..What happenned...?" Kendo asked Cassey
"I took a quick preview on the universe...and its about Bakugou who gets the painful injustice of the world...and she just mad at the person who gave him the painful injustice because Bakugou was one of her favorite person..." Cassey explains to them
"Wait-is that one of the persons??" Mian asked in disbelief. Cassey just nods at her direction making her almost crying
"Calm down Pinky it was in another world..." Bakugou said trying to reassure her
It take a moment to calm Yurei and Mina down, after they both calmed down Yurei stands in front of all of them and snap her fingers and boxes of tissues, drinks and food appeared beside their seats
"Okay for this one,Eri and Kota had to move into the kids room"
"But who will looked out after the children?" Mandalay asked worried about her nephew
"Bakugou you will take care of them since you also cant watched this one..." Yurei continued. Bakugou just nodded slightly and standing up, taking Eri and Kota to the kids room
"Ill miss you Babe❤️" Kirishima managed to say making him blushed
"This multiverse will reveal the secret Bakugou, are you sure you wanted them to know?" Yurei whispered to him.
"This is more easier way than me talking about it, they deserve to know i guess..." Bakugou answered with whisper making Yurei nods hesistantly
"All you needed is already there so dont worry about anytihing okay!!" Yurei said to him as he gets in
"Now lets begin.....and please no one said anything while this universe was playing okay??" Yurei said recieving nods from all of the people
The screen showed Bakugou was walking towards to UA with a cloudy sky
(Bakugou 3rd person pov)
'Hi, my name is Bakugou Katsuki and i had what you called DEPRESSION.
You maybe wondering HOW could i had this stupid thing?? isnt he was just a regular UA highschool student in hero course that had anger issues? heh, congrats, you had just seen my mask, and things got worse when those extas found out what i used to do to Deku, they all, like even the ones who used to call them self the 'Bakusquad' started to bullied me even though im already made up with him and it gets more harsh everyday. Except for two, it was Deku itself and.......HIM
Unlike the other extras, he just said...
'Its okay, i forgave you! you wanted to change to a better person right!! then ill give you a chance to be a better person!!!'
Why did he forgave me? they were right, i didnt deserve any chances, so why did he gave it? why did he?...why
did he CARE about me?
(3rd person pov)
Bakugou managed to arrived in front of his classroom, he take a deep breath and then walked in to the class only to get stared coldly by his classmates. he sat into his desk an hears whispering from his classmates
'Ugh why is he still here??'
'He is more suited to be a villain'
'No wonder the LOV take him away'
'He doesnt deserve to be in UA'
And other mean insults was thrown at him with whisper. he just ignored the whisper by putting his head on his desk but it still hurt his feelings, he then get approached by Uraraka,Todoroki and Kaminari.
"Oh look at the 'King Explosion Murder', putting his head on his desk, are you gonna cry now to your mommy like a loser?" Kaminari asked mockingly to his direction as he place his hands on his shoulder
"Or are you gonna cry to your stupid bodyguard??" Uraraka continued
"You doesnt deserve to be a hero, you told Midoriya to kill himself, that is a such villain move you know? i wonder why you didnt become one right now" Todoroki said harsly to him followed by his classmates laughter.
"You know, he probably became your friend only because he just pity you" Kaminari said to him
"Oh, no answer huh? where is the brave, Bakugou fucking Katsuki we used to know hmmm??" Uraraka asked mockingly making the whole class giggle
"You guys should stop it! what are you doing right now is no different than a villain!!" A red haired male said in front of the front door with a greenette behind him
"Oh looks like your 'guardian' came and saved you" Todoroki said with a 'tch'
"Why did you defended this villain Kirishima? you know he deserved this!!" Kaminari said trying to reassure the red haired male
"Because he deserve a second chance" Midoriya said from behind Kirishima
"And why did YOU helped him Deku-Kun? isnt he the one who told you to kill yourself ? he deserved this and you kno-" Uraraka said getting disturbed by a scream that came from the ash blonde,
he was getting electricuted by Kaminari on purpose for a while but he accidently send a big portion of electricity that made him passed out. Kirishima rushed to the ash blonde desk and carried him bridal style and rushed to Recovery Girl office without saying anything.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING KAMINARI!!! HE COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!!!" Midoriya shout making the whole class shocked
"It was an accident i swear!!" Kaminari said half lying
"No, i know you actually did it on purpose, but you planned to give it in a small amount of electricity right?"Midoriya said making Kaminari shut
"I cant believe you guys, he already fucking apologized and what did you guys do? hmm? taking revenge of Him. YOU guys are no better than a villain. now Never talked to Me or Kirishima ever.again, UNDERSTOOD?!?" he said raising his voice making the class shivered. Before someone could talked again Aizawa entered the class and they sat back on their desk
"Before i started where is Bakugou and Kirishima?" The tired teacher said
"Kirishima was with Kacchan in the Recovery Girl office, Kacchan passed away and get injured because of SOMEONE decided it was fun to play with their quirk in the class" Midoriya said while looking at Kaminari direction. Aizawa just let it slip away and continued with class
(With Kirishima and Bakugou)
(Kirishima pov)
After Bakubro passed away i started to rush into him and carried him to Recovery Girl office. at this point i dont care about my abscent, i only care of my best friend and crush condition. when i arrived Recovery Girl just mention a hospital bed and told me to lay Bakubro in there. she then checked Bakugou and tell me that he was okay but he need to rest for the day and i decided to acompany him
~{Time Skip}~
I wake up from a short nap i take and see Bakugou was stil unconscious. i looked at him and i cant help but admire his beautiful look. his pretty sleeping face, his soft skin, his slight plump lips, every part of him was so perfect...
'how could someone this perfect exist??' I asked my self continuing to adore him. i lost in my own thoughts when i see Bakugou slowly opening his eyes.
"Ugh....where am i..."
"You are in Recovery Girl office, you passed out earlier because Denki accidently electricuted you too hard"
We sat in comfortable silence until there is someone opened the door. i tilt my head at the door direction and the there was Recovery Girl
"Oh so youve already awake now Bakugou, here eat some of these to recover your energy. dont worry you two me and Midoriya already inform your teacher about your condition" She said while giving us some food and  some gummies
"I have to leave now, i have other student to take care of " She said then leaving us alone
"So how are you feeling now?" i asked him. he just nodded at me making me smiling at his direction
I handed him the food and the gummies at him and opening mine. i started to eat mine when i see him not touching his food slightly.
"Are you not gonna eat it Bakugou?"
" n-not hungry.." he said stuttering making me kinda shocked
'He usually never stutters...there must be something wrong' i thought for a second and return my head to Bakugou
"You need to eat Bakugou, its not healthy to starve yourself" i continued to say
"B-but im already full.."
"Please? just some spoon and you could stop" i begged at him. luckily that worked and he began to take some of the soup and eat it slowly
He only take around five spoon and a hand of gummy then he stopped. i was slightly concerned but decided not to brag about it and put the bowl back to the table. some moment later someone opened the door and i see Midoriya was at the door with...Sero...behind him
"Hi guys! how is Kacchan doing?"
"He's fine, but why is he here??" i asked him slightly annoyed
"He had something to said to you both" Midoriya said. Sero then took some steps forward and opened his mouth
"I just want to know because of everything i did to you guys, im really sorry.."
"I forgave you, but i dont know about Bakugou here" i said pointing at Bakugou.
(3rd person pov)
They all sat in a short akward silence before Bakugou then speaks
"I dont will take me a while to forgave you...."
"Its fine,its my fault anyway"
right after he said that, the bell rings showing that lunch was over
"Welp gotta go to class now, see you later Kirishima-san and Kacchan!!!" Midoriya said as he walked out of the room followed by Sero who said farewell  aswell at them both
~{Time Skip To The Dorms At The Middle Of The Night}~
It was 1 am when Kirishima heard some small explosion from across his room. knowing it was Bakugou, he became worried and started heading toward to the blonde dorm room. he knocked at first not recieving an answer so he burst in to the room and seeing the blonde was having a panic attack while holding his head that was slightly bleeding because of his own explosion. he rushed to the blonde direction then hugged him
"Shh...youre fine here...the voices are not real...youre save..." Kirishima whispered to him while he was rubbing circles at his back. after awhile Bakugou calmed down and now, they both sat in Bakugou's bed facing eachother
" me your wrist" Kirishima said to Bakugou
"N-no i dont want to"
"Please worried about you..."The red haired male said making Bakugou tense a bit, but then he nodded at Kirishima's direction and give him his wrist. Kirishima then take his wrist and it shows many cuts either it was old or newly cut. He then take the first aid kit and starting to treating the cuts. After treating the cuts, Kirishima wiped the leftover tears in Bakugou's eyes and hold his hands tightly
"Bakugou....why did you cut yourself?? there was something wrong?? you know i will always be here...please tell me whats wrong???" Kirishima asked him worriedly
"You dont have to answer it now if you dont want to, you could talk about it when youre ready.."
'You really think that he would really help you? he only doing this because he only fucking pity you! your so useless, would you really tell him that you are nothing than a stupid,useless,a faggot,asshole, a shitty burden, and a fucking villain now?!?!!!!'
It was a silence for a moment before Bakugou then speaks
"N-no, i wil tell you n-now..."

"It begins when i get my quirk..."

(To Be Continued......)

Cliffhanger to y'all

To the BNHA/MHA MultiverseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang