The Trial. *sigh*

Start from the beginning

"Well, I had just broken up with Stephen. Called off our engagement and he was not happy." Peggy stated. "So obviously I didn't invite him to my family's annual Halloween party. But he showed up anyway."

"Mr. Laurens said that you had many reasons to call off the wedding, but did Mr. Rensselaer ever threaten to kill anyone before this event?" The man asked.

"No. We were all very shocked when this happened." Peggy replied.

"Thank you, please continue."

"Me and Laurens were talking and Stephen started shouting. I thought he was mad at me since the whole thing was my fault, but then he grabbed John and wrapped his arm around his neck. I tried to talk some sense into him, but he was just consumed with revenge. He then covered Laurens' mouth and pulled out a gun. He pointed it to his head and..." Peggy started to get a little emotional. "I'm so sorry, it's just all really hard to take in."

"Take your time Miss, I know this was a traumatic experience."

"Ok. I yelled at him that it was my fault and that he should kill me. So he pointed the gun at me and went to shoot, but Laurens kicked the gun away and got shot in the leg." Peggy finally said after a moment of silence.

"Thank you, now this statement will be compared to what you say on the stand. You will be asked similar questions to what I have asked here. Mr. Rensselaer's attorney will do everything he can to twist your words in his favor, just state the truth and everything will be fine." The man said as he stood up. He walked towards the door and opened it. "Thank you Miss, if you would wait out here, the trial will start in about a half hour."

*Time skip because I'm too lazy to write Alexander and Eliza's statements.*

"All rise for the judge!"

Everyone stood until the judge said for them to be seated.

"Council for the prosecution, please state your case." The judge said.

"I'd like to call to the stand as my first witness, Mr. Jonathan Laurens." One lawyer said.

Laurens stood up and walked to the stand, his heart racing as he did.

"Mr. Laurens, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"I do."

"Now, you and Ms. Schuyler are good friends, correct?"


"So you knew that she called off her engagement before the party?"


"You were there with Ms. Schuyler the night Mr. Rensselaer attacked you. Did you two do anything fun?"

"I photobombed a picture of her." Laurens joked, making a few people laugh.

"Did she post said picture on any social media sites where Mr. Rensselaer could see and get jealous that he wasn't with her?" The lawyer asked.

"Yes. She said she posted it on Instagram."

"He targeted you at first, and not his ex. Correct?"

"Yes. He didn't try and kill Peggy until after she talked him out of killing me."

"Not to mention the proof of your leg that he did shoot you."


(Sorry if this sucks.)

"No more questions at this time." The lawyer smiled.

"Would the council for the defense like to ask any questions?" The judge asked.

"Yes." An attorney stood up and walked over to the stand. "Mr. Laurens, did you or did you not use to have a relationship with Ms. Schuyler?"

Laurens panicked for a minute, where was this guy going with this?

"Y-Yes. We dated in high school and little bit in our freshman year of college."

"And did you or did you not break up because of Mr. Rensselaer?"

"We did. She used to date him before we met, and she apparently still had feelings for him."

"And this Instagram photo, was that an accident?"

"What do you mean?"

"Was her posting that picture an accident?"

"I don't suppose so. She knew I was in it when she posted it."

"So Ms. Schuyler was well aware that her ex fiance would see you and her together at this party?"

"I'm not sure. I guess."

Boy, he had no idea what he had just done.

"Is it possible that Ms. Schuyler set this whole thing up to get Stephen out of the picture?" The attorney asked.

"No! She would never." Laurens protested.

"How can you be sure? You trusted her before when you dated, then she left you for Mr. Rensselaer."

"That's totally different than trying to get someone sent to prison!"

"Do you still have feelings for Ms. Schuyler?"


To be continued...

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