chapter one

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Lexa woods. The daughter of two powerful people. To very dead powerful people. Leaving her the power. Lexa wood, she owned over half of the dc area. That included hospitals, police station bakeries, millionaire companies. Her w was on everything. If there wasn't a W then there was a B and that B. (the Blake family) was as you can guess owned by the wood. Or to Be specific not the woods just one woods, lexa woods. You could say she owned everything. She was very powerful. Not only in business though. She happened to be the boss of the biggest gang. They ran the streets. Lexa was head honcho, Anaya dreams was her second. Indra trees, Lincoln green, and Octavia Blake, were her head of security. Bellamy Blake, gusto's and raven, her eyes and ears on the ground. They run companies and keep her informed. To her people she was known as heda, or the commander. lexa Woods was powerful and she was to be feared.

Clarke griffin. A doctor. But not just any doctor. The best in her practice. At only 20 making it to be head doctor of the biggest hospital in D.C. Clarke was raised by the Blakes but was kept out of most of everything. She had only met lexa once when they were children before lexa had her responsibilities. Clarke's mother, Abby, left her abandoned at the Blakes when she was only two, she did not know her mother. Bellamy and Octavia were her siblings. Raven was her best friend. The Blake family put her through her med school at only 16. She was farther ahead of all. Now what does a doctor have to do with a gangster and a gangster have to do with a doctor. This is a story of how the doctor fixed a broken heart, broke down the wall and how a gangster learned to love an innocent girl who would become a lot less incent by the time their lives were ready to start.

It was late. Clarke just left the hospital headed towards her older brother's office, the office she had met him at every Friday at exactly 10:30 pm. The same office that Bell took Clarke home from where they'd watch movies and talk about their incredibly stressful week. She interd the large building not more than 3 blocks away from her work palace as always. Murphy greeted her raven, hugged her and told her to head up. Like the always she took the middle elevator to the top floor. Like always she walked to the door where they met and like alwasy she opened the door, but unlike always Bellamy had a girl talking to him in a growling voice. The girl was beautiful. her brown hair fell down over her shoulder in wavy stands . She was dressed in black a gun and dagger strapped to her side Her green eyes held Clarkes very soul. They were hard and dared her to make any movements. Bell turned and a small cuss slipped his mouth.

"Fuck! Clarke, I'm so sorry I forgot it's Friday ...I've got to stay here late. Can you ask Raven to take you home?" Bell looked sorry the girl who had kept her eyes trained on Clarke. she didn't move.

"Cant bell she already left...i-ill call a cab" Clarke went to move but was stopped when the brunette cleared her throat and bell sighed,

"Sorry Clarke. This is my boss Mrs. Woods. Mrs. woods this is my adopted little sister Clarke griffin she is the head doctor at ours biggest hospital." Bell said proudly the brunette looked over Clarke. Scanning her body taking in every inch of her.

"It's nice to meet you again Mrs. woods" Clarke ducked her head and the girl shook her head.

"Lexa is fine. Dr.Griffin" he husky voice broke the air in sharp waves. The sound of her name Dr.Griffin made Clarke cringe which went unicity by both her brother and lexa.

"Sorry my sister doesn't like that name. She usually goes by Clarke or Dr.blake" bell corrected and lexa nodded.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow bell remember you and I promised that you would be over for lunch. It was nice meeting you Mrs.-lexa" Clark brewed her head and walked over to her brother who was now standing and wrapped her arms around him getting a straight hug from him.

"Be careful on the way home. Don't let what happened last time happen again. I swear Clarke if you feel uncomfortable get out and call me or o and we'll drive you home...maybe you should just wait till I'm done so I can drive you" it was always like, bell to worry. She pushed him back and smiled.

"I'm not waiting for 5 hours well you do paperwork, I'll be fine. If i need to I'll call raven or o. But I want to. This isn't the last time " Clarke kissed his cheek and turned away. As she made her way to the door Lexa huffed.

"Get it finished Blake ... Clarke would like a ride to your house" lexa surprised booth the Blakes and herself by asking Clarke that. Bell smiled and nodded at Clarke who hesitantly nodded.

"I presume you live next to the Blakes?" Lexa asked and Clark nodded. She lived in a large house next to the Blakes. Booth was owned by the Blakes but she resided in one. She had been 16 when she came back from college on breaks. Lexa would never admit to this but she had seen the blonde before. She had seen her a lot when she was around the blokes form when she was younger to even now when she was over there for business. When she had first seen the blonde they were around the ages of 9 and 10. Lexa's parents had dragged her over to one of their employers houses to congratulate them on their final adoption of the griffin grill and to talk business. Lexa's parents demanded that she respect the people and be kind to the three children. Lexa agreed like the good child she was. They arrive and the Blakes apologize that their two biological children wouldn't be joining them for a few hours but Clarke was sitting on the stairs hiding from everyone and everything. Mr. Blake laughed his joyful laugh when everyone noticed how scared and trimmed Clarke was acting.

"She's a shy one. Her mother was like that two. But get to know her and she's a feisty little taker and smart one to" he smiled and walked to her dragging her own. Being small for her age she was able to be placed on his hip hanging onto her new father's neck. He introduced everyone and set her down and suggested the girls go play in the living room well the adults talked about work stuff in the kitchen. Clarke didn't know what that meant. Lexa followed the quite Clarke into the living room which was clean except for the toys that Clark had been playing with in a pile and a stuffed bear and a watch. Clarke was quick to grab the items and had them to her chest curling up on the couch. Lexa laughed at the sight making Clarke glare hard at her.

"Why are you so scared?" Lexa asked, sliding onto the couch next to the smaller girl.

"Bell says your scary in school" Clarke mumbled holding onto her stuff

"Bell?" lexa cocked her head.

"Bellamy" Clark mumbled and laid her head down.

"And I've seen it. You're scary. You hang around the bug people with the scary parents " Clarke said and Lexa shook her head.

"Your nine you shouldn't be in my school yet" lexa started looking at the blonde who was clearly challenging her

"I'm smart, I'm in bell grade already and I have all a" she huffed but kept herself bundled in a small ball.

"Wow I've never met anyone that smart. Bellymy Blake is older than me, he's in a higher grade than me" she looked at the blonde who smiled.

"Yep I'm smart daddy says so. He says I'm the smartest one in the Blake family" Clarke started proudly. The two girls played and talked for two hours before the door opened and Octavia Raven Finn and Bellamy came through the door. Clarke was on them in seconds. The dinner was fine and Lexa didn't actually speak to Clark after that. When she came over when they got older she often saw Clark through the windows of her own place dancing, studying , reading , painting drawing or doing other things. though there was a period of time when lexa did see Clarke outside of a widow. Finn Collins. He dated both raven and Clarke and took his own life. Clarke took it so hard Bellamy had to take off work. She didn't eat and ended up in the hospital this was when she was 15. Lexa stopped by to see Bellamy and talk to him and Octavia when she found Clark laying in a bed pail and practically dying. For someone that hurt. After that she kept her distance dealing with the heartbreak of her own losses. Her parents died when she was 17 and she ended up taking over her parents business. The girl she loved left and later died when she was 18 and 19 and now at 24 she was locked away from everyone. A stoic and brutal leader who had forgotten all about the beautiful blonde girl she had once known until now.

Clarke walked behind Lexa out of the building getting a strange look from Murphy who watched worriedly as Clarke nervously followed Lexa woods.

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