chapter sixteen

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" Klark Yu souda choj op mou den dei de"(" clarke you have to eat more than that") lexa whispered as she watched Clarke push the rest of her food around on her plate.

" ai laik ku Leksa Ai stomach jos bash op a Strike gon much incitement"(just saying her stomach hurts and she's not that hungry) Clarke turned her head toward lexa and a small smile pushed into her face, the smile only grew bigger when leg bent forward and pressed her lips to Clarke's gently earning a small hum.

" choj op mou Klark"(lexa tells her to eat lexa) whispered against Clarkes lips, Clarke let a laugh fall from her mouth and this time responded  in English

"Using kisses in order to get what you want is unfair, lexa" Clarke whispered and a small smirk spread across lexa face.

"I'm the boss of one of the biggest gang in the us Clarke, fair doesn't come with my job description:" she laughed a little, both girls seems to have forgotten that lexa aunt was even there intel a loud ring at lexa for pulling them apart from each other.

"Ahh yes that should be who I was waiting for" lexa aunt smiled and stood up getting a questioning look from Clarke and a annoyed and angered look from lexa

"Who is at my door and why was i not aware of their arrival " lexa growled and her aunt shrugged

"Well seeing how it's clear you are done eating and you've made my appetite vanish why don't you come and see" she smiled and started to walk towards the doors.

"I ask again Who is at my door and why was i not aware of their arrival " lexa growled and stood up helping Clarke up as she did so.

"Well no need to get hostile, if you haven't been so busy disrespecting me earlier I would have told you, I found some one a child, no parents no family, she was hiding in my garage stealing from me, I thought you could pin her off on one of your men or at the very least used her for target practice," lexa aunt laughed and growl vibrated from not  one but two chest , they reached the door and it was opened and two men came in looking rather annoyed a few with bruises. Each one of them holding a small child who was flying around her feet not even touching the ground. Lexa growled once more and Clark moved forward only to be stopped by Lexa's arm.

"Let her go" Clarke growled at lexa aunt but she just rolled her eyes in a disrespectful manner clearly not planning on listing to Clarke

"Lexa make them let her go" Clarke growled turning toward lexa who looked down at the blond a look of sadness in her eyes

"They will when she claims Clarke, she is to angry she could hurt you" lexa whispered not moving her arm trying to ignore the screaming child in front of the

"She is not a threat to me, she's a child lexa" Clarke growled and lexa huffed at Clarkes stubbornness, it was going to get them in trouble one day 

"Your injured Clarke looks what she already did to those men,  when she is angry she is dangerous" lexa tried to reason even though she knew in the end Clarke would likely win.

"She is a CHILD! She's scared, cold , hungry and hurt. If you're really concerned about me you'll let her go and let me help her, she could be really hurt," Clarke growled looking back and forth from Lexa and the child. The girl claimed a little at Clarke defense for her but still tried to get out of the men's grips hysterically trying to escape,

"Fine, realise her but do not let her run" lexa growled with a sigh looking at her aunt and moved her arm away so Clarke could walk to her, slowly Clarke approached the girl until she was in kicking distance, the girl calmed a little more enough to where she wasn't kicking but was still tugging on her arms.

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