Chapter twenty one

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Clarke sat up, her body felt weak but she wasn't going down, she was going to give into it, she was not going to let them see her fall, she would die before she would let herself cry or give in. ontari seemed to grow restless and annoyed as Nia tried once more to get the information she needed,

"You'll fall soon child, just give into it, tell us and you can go home with your brother" she got into Clarkes face again, with the little bite of strength Clarke had she spit in Nia eyes

"Fuck you bitch" Clarke cough and Nia whipped her face, she held out her hands and griped the blazing red hot iron she had taken for ontari, she  ripped Clarkes shirt so she was simply in a bra ad pressed the heated metal against her shoulder and dragged it don over the bra and down her stomach leaving a long mark on her skin, Clarke bite her lip intel it bleed, she was not going to cry, she would never give them that satisfaction of crying,

"Nia that enough she's not going to speak leave her" belly growled in attempts to help Clarke he only got a glare from Clarke in return,

"Do not go soft on us no Blake, you wanted this, your ordered her capture, this is what will happen until she tells us what we want to know or she dies" Nia growled and ontari stood between bellamy path toward Nia, roan who had slipped from the room came down stairs holding a gun at his side,

"Murphy is ready to talk, as long as we leave her alone" he announced and even gave a small sigh,

"Looks like murphy does care about the bitch" ontari laughed and they all turned leaving Clarke alone, they shut the lights off leaving Clarke in the darkness and cold, as soon as the door shut Clarke's body feel to hard and damp concrete, she listened to the noises above her nonetheless, at first she could hear nothing then she heard a loud angry scream,

"Just tell us now or I will go down there and your little princess will be killed," Ontari screamed and Clarke coughed as she used the little bite of energy she had to keep her eyes open and ear alert.

"Fine fine fine, but when I tell you she goes free" murphy compromised

"She'll go home, yes and will get her the best doctors" bellamy voice rang out only for a growl to follow

'"No she goes home, to lexa" murphy growled and there was a round of arguing before

"Fine, lexa can have her for what time she's still alive" ontari agreed much to bellamy dismay,

"Lexa will survive you." murphy huffed and Clarke could practically hear Nia's and ontari roll their eyes,

"What ever, how do we take her down" ontari's voice was full of sass,

"An insider, you taker her down with a insider, someone she trust, someone who can be there for everything, you have to sneak your way in and take them down from the inside much like she just did to you" murphy voice became louder and louder until the end, Clarke's breath froze in the air,

"What do yo mean-shit" there was a loud bang followed by another one, fallowed by screaming, the sounds of a fight breaking out above her, she pushed herself up to her knees her arms now bound behind her she tried to stay up on her knees, she wants showing any weakness, she listened to the fight as she tried to keep herself steady and her eyes open but in the end she had to let her eye flutter shut to keep herself up as straight as she could, she listened, it sound to much like ontari and Nia were winning against who ever was attacking them she knew the unlikely chance of the rescuers winning just from the sounds of the war above her head, ontari's laughing and yelling alone made her blood run cold, she was going to die there, but she'd die knowing she had protected lexa's secretes to the death, it was beginning to be hard to keep her body up right and in a stable position, her body bleed in many spots and her old gunshot wound that has been only a day old was now ripped open and bleeding, she cold fee the red liquid on her skin warming the now frozen body parts, the smell of metallic blood filled her noise and the taste covered her mouth, breathing was becoming harder and harder and she could feel ice forming on her finger tips behind her, her body began shaking and shoving as the fight above her carried on, she couldn't hear anything anymore everything slowly started to die into a fog, she no longer heard any of it facing her to open her eyes, as she did a light shined from the top of the stairs, the rescuers lost was all she could think as she forced her eyes back shut and tried to focus her brain into hearing, and she did,  she could hear footsteps coming down the stairs, something  dropped and the she heard it, lexa voice, the sweet husky sound of lexa voice calling her name

"KLRK" she had to force her brain to keep her eyes closed, she didn't want to open them only to find it was not in fact lexa, she heard the footsteps coming towards her they sounded like lexa footsteps but she still keep her eyes closed until the person dropped to her knees in front of her and she felt her hands on her face,

"Clarke baby open your eyes, it me, its lexa, come on open your eyes please" lexa's voice crack and that's what caused Clarke to open her eyes, and sure enough kneeling in front of her was a very body and crying lexa as soon as she saw lexa tear eyes her body fell forward and landed on her lexa who would gladly take the weight of Clarke's body. 

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