Chapter twenty three

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Clarke let her head rest on lexa shoulder as her body finally started to warm up and lexa gently started to play with Clarkes hair, all while holding her so close any closer and they would be one person, as they allied there the door to her room open and weather of them had to look to know that madi was running at them full speed, ending at the side of the hospital bed trying her hardest to peek over the edge of the bed. Clarke turned a little and smiled at madi,

"Hi" Clarke smiled and madi light up jumping a little bit and lexa looked up at the woman who was watching her and nodded, the woman grabbed madi gently and picked her up placing her on the bed, madi quickly crawled over and slide in between the two of them after Clarke and lexa made some room, they both seemed to lay on lexa and madi held onto the necklace and buried her head in in Clarke's chest.

"You came back" madi whispered and Clarke laughed a little icing at the pain in her stomach

"Of course we came back mads, we wouldn't leave you" Clarke promised and madi smiled barring her head deeper against her hospital gown, Clarke looked back at lexa who just smiled at the sight in front of her, she opened her mouth to say something but before she could the door opened and Abby walked through the door and down to the end of the bed,

"Clarke?'' Abby asked gently and Clarke rolled her eyes, yes she was feeling better warmer and the pain meds they had given here were most definitely kicking in but that didn't mean she wanted to see or speak to her biological mother].

"What Abby" Clarke turned her head towards the older woman and she shook her head

"Please just let me explain before you go hating me, after I tell you, you can tell me to leave and I will never come around again." Abby pleaded and Clarke glanced over at lexa who nodded, with a huff she nodded at the women who sighed and pulled up a chair sitting at the foot of the bed

"When you were born it was probably the happiest day of mine and your fathers life, the moment he held you I could see life in his eyes again, I was working as a doctor in a small hospital, you were such a happy baby when you were one, I got into accident I killed your father I was left alone with this baby, you keep asking for him, you had always loved your father more, "dadda dadda'' that's all you would say with in the first month you were always crying, I couldn't take it anymore so in order to stop the pain I started using drugs, any drugs I could get my hands on until you were around 2 or three maybe four I'm sorry I can't remember, i came home I lost my job my friends and when I came home I couldn't find you, I searched for hours frantically trying to find you until I heard you crying, I had .left you home alone in your sleep so you become scared and hid in a box of your fathers old things. I realized I want good for you so I packed your things the few things you still had, I wrapped you in a blanket and told you we were going ice cream and then we were going to see dadda, you were so happy, I knew the Blakes would take care of you, we were old family friends so I drove you there and placed you on the doorstep kissed you goodbye rang the doorbell and place a note in your stuff, you cried for me to come back but I didn't I waited until the Blakes came out, the baby boy bellamy and Octavia cowing behind them and i watched them read the note and take you inside and then I went and i got high one last time before i paced myself in intensive rehab, I was released two year later and I've watched you grow up slowly from a distance, I knew you would ever forgive me so i just stayed away until i saw you come in with a gunshot wound," Abby was crying by the end and Clarke was biting back tears gently running her hands through madi hair.

"I was three. I was three and just needed my mom. So maybe you can come in her and spill all this shit about doing the right thing, but the right thing would have been to come back for me, two year i was five then you could have come back for me, i still needed my mother, the right thing is you trying from the moment you got back to fix things with me, you were a terrible mother, i needed you. You wanna see the right thing, mom, the right things is here, I'm loved, lexa loves me and i love her, this beautiful little girl was brought into my life and now is my reasonability and I'm going to do so much better with her then you eve did with want to try then go for it i cant fucking stop you, but do not expect to just come in her and tell me your fucked up life story and to be forgiven" Clarke growled, she felt lexas hand on her waist. Her thumb rubbed over her waist gently, Clarke closed her eyes and moved her head looking down when she opened her eyes she saw two small round parts of eyes looking up at her a small smile on the chubby little face the eyes belonged to,

"Are you gonna be my new mommy" madi asked quietly and Clarke laughed a little, she looked up at lexa who was staring fondly at the child then she looked back down

"Were gonna be whatever it is you need and want us to be madi" Clarke smiled down at madi who gave a big and loving smile back

"I want you guys to be my new moms. You wont leave me" madi turned her head back to lexa and held out the necklace and lexa smiled

"Then i think we need to work on making me and Clarke your gardens now don't we" lexa smiled and madi nodded, by this time Abby had left the room leaving the three girls alone. Madi snuggled down in the bed between the two of them and Clark finally caved in on how tired she was and soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Madi fell into a peaceful sleep along with her, and lexa could only watch over the two, there friends come to check on them one by one but lexa would only let them stay for a few seconds before she told them to leave, lexa watched the two sleep until sleep engulfed her body. 

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