◘ Hooty's moving hassle

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"Like me! OHP-" Eda then grabbed king by his collar looking at him face to face "you're coming with me, I need a pair of extra eyes looking out for pickpockets" she leans onto my ear "and extra pair oh hands in case I wanna pickpocket"

"Pickpocket!!" The two said in unison "then maybe- they can come to the house-" I referred to Willow and Gus walking up with a smile, hands around their shoulders as
(Y/n) was walking up behind them.. she seems also excited

"No, besides conjurings are dumb. Sitting in a circle holding hands, pfftt it's like magic for babies" she then walked away "but-"

"Luz! What did Eda say?" Willow, Gus and (Y/n) walked up to me "so guys.." I started off but then got cut off again "ohh look!" Gus pointed up

The moon was already rising "the moon is rising into place! The celestial powers only aligned once a year!" "Oh! I can't believe I finally have enough friends for a moonlight conjuring! Thank you Luz!"

"Not just you guys but this will be a great experience for us humans! A conjuring! That sounds too cool to be true!" (Y/n) cheered

"Did Eda say it was okay?" Asked willow as they looked at me "um.. yes! She said yes! We can do it at the owl house! As long we don't make a mess or touch anything and never bring up we did it!" I laughed nervously

"Nice!/yes!/oh your the best!"

(Y/n) walked up to me giving me a hug laughing a bit as Willow and Gus started chanting

I looked up at the moon..


"Luz, (Y/n).. you both are in charge while I'm out, make sure hootie doesn't get into any trouble"

"Hoot hoot! I don't need a babysitter, I'm a big boy house!" Hootie said

"Okay, you can count on us" (Y/n) said standing up "we never betray your hard-earned trust!" I said now chuckling nervously

"Luz, your acting suspicious. Your doing that thing were your hiding your hoodie"

"Meow I'm not! Uh.. oh! Where's king?" I asked changing the subject "he's right here" Eda reveals him in a baby carrier snoozing

"His little body just conks out when he's weightless, look at this" she moves her hips as king's arm and legs moves like it's a.. in used puppet!

"Aww he's so dangly!" I moved his tiny little legs "I cant- it's too cute!" (Y/n) went next to me while her eyes sparkles a bit

"Anyway, really going now" Eda said walking out as me and (Y/n) followed

"And Luz.. (Y/n).." I got more nervous "if you two mess up the house, I will never trust you guys again... No pressure! Bye!" And then she flew off

We waved goodbye at her, I took a deep sigh "should we really be doing this? No, no.. willow is counting on us!.."

"Luz? Are you okay?" I heard (Y/n)'s voice speak "did I say that out loud??" I asked "well no- but you were just rambling and I got worried"

She's such a nice bestfriend..

"Yeah I'm okay" I reassured smiling at her and she smiled back "okay she's gone" I whispered

"Release!" The bushes disappeared "I'm a sneaky sneakster!" Willow said "I've got leaves in my pants! And I like it"

"Company! Hooray! Finally!" Hootie cheered as (Y/n) opens the door for us. Hootie continued to talk as we just walked it


{Y/n's POV}

"welcome to the living room! We call it that because its technically living! Walls of breathing, look"

Luz said as Willow walks closer to the walls "enchanting!"

Gus looks in in a treasure chest " and look at all these human treasures!" He took a skull out "and actual humans!"

"We've got snacks!" Luz held a bowl of eye balls "we've got weird music!" I said "we've got a bucket!!" Gus said as there was a bucket on his head

"Yes mah men" Luz said "and best of all we have actual friends to do the conjuring with! This is so exciting!!"

"You said it sister!" I wrapped an arm around willow as the two of us laughed "so how does this conjuring stuff work?" Asked Luz "well, first we find an object to animate.. since it's our first time we should pick something meaningful.. something Beautiful.."

willow walked up to some flowers as Gus jumps from behind it moving the flowers to the side "Like this strangely buff little man!!" Gus showed her a buff toy

"Yes! He's perfect!" Luz added pointing at the toy "that's not exactly what I meant by beautiful"

Gus then showed us his puppy eyes "okay, buff boy it is" willow said "yes!" Luz hugged us "tonight he shall be risen!!" Gus cheered


Hey guys, sorry if this was late.. modules are everywhere! Thank you guys for being patient! And 6k reads?!? Y'all are amazing!! Thank you so much!! 🏳️‍🌈

𝙱𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 |𝙻𝚞𝚣 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon