"I'm sure. She was just about to go to group aerobics anyway." He smiled, pulling my in closer to him.

"Okay," I smiled weakly, still not convinced that he should leave yet.

"So I saw a sign for an outdoor horror movie fest tonight," Spencer said. "Want to go? There's a prize for the best costumes."

"I would love to." I smiled. He leaned in like he was going to kiss me and I put my finger up to his mouth. "Not a good idea, I've been puking in that trash can since you went inside."

He just chuckled and kissed my forehead instead.


We won best dressed at the Halloween movie fest, we dressed as Gomez and Morticia Adams and they just so happened to be playing the Adams's family as well as some spookier Halloween classics, like Halloween.

The prize was $200 and a bottle of wine, which would have been great three months ago, but now it's just sitting in my apartment, waiting for me.

I was just sitting at my desk working on some paperwork when I heard the hurried sounds of heels clicking against the floor.

"Code mom." I heard a Penelope say before throwing a sweatshirt into my lap.

"Pen what are yo-" I started to ask but she cut me off.

"Hide the twins, your mom is coming up." She said, making a 'hurry up' motion with her hands. I nodded and threw the sweatshirt over my dress, it was just baggy enough to hide any kind of shape underneath it.

The door to the bullpen opened and my mom walked in, a brown paper bag in her hand and a smile on her face.

"Mom, you can't keep showing up here, this is quite literally the FBI." I said, standing up from my desk and giving her a light hug.

"I don't have to worry about that, I got a desk job down stairs." She said, nonchalantly.

"You what?" I asked, pulling back from the hug and looking at her in shock.

"Got a job answering phones and doing paperwork down stairs," she said. "I was going mad just sitting around the house, but I can't exactly do brain surgery anymore. A desk job is better than nothing."

"Mom," I said, my voice laced with concern.

"Besides, now I can have lunch with my daughter when she's not off being a badass profiler." She said, shaking the bag in her hand. "I brought sushi."

"Oh, um.." I paused, trying to come up with a reason to not eat fish. "I'm actually not eating meat right now, I told you this already."

"But this is fish," she sighed. "You love sushi."

"I don't know, there's just something about raw fish that reminds me of some of these cases we've been on lately." I said before nudging Penelope with my elbow, hoping she would get the hint to help me.

"I-I love sushi though," Penelope perked up. "I'll take it if she doesn't want it, I didn't pack a lunch today anyway."

"Alright, Penelope is it?" My mom asked and Pen nodded. "Well, I don't know what has crawled into my daughter today but I would love to share my sushi with you. I guess Eliza can just eat whatever boring lunch she packed for today."

"Eliza?" Penelope asked, looking at me confused and I just shook my head.

"I'll have you know that I have a kale salad with cashews, avocado, walnuts, apple slices, banana peppers, and carrots. With yogurt and mangos on the side."

"Life's too short to eat so health Eliza," my mom sighed. "Live a little, eat a carb."

I can't right now mom, I growing sex organs. That's what I wanted to say, however I just sighed and grabbed my lunch box, walking with her and Penelope out into the break room.

"Where did Eliza come from?" Penelope asked as we sat at the table in the conference room.

"My middle name." I said, popping the top off my salad bowl and drowning it in Italian dressing.

"You want a little salad with that dressing honey?" My mom asked, grabbing her sushi box out of the bag then handing Penelope hers.

"I have to get it some kind of taste." I mumbled, licking the exces sauce off my finger.

"If you don't like the way it tastes, then why do you insist on eating it?"

Can she stop asking questions, please? I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I'm just trying to eat healthier mom," I said, stabbing my salad with a fork.

Penelope and mom mom both looked up at me, Pen with a look of concern and my mom confused.

"Natasha Elizabeth Sheppard, where are your table manners?" My mom snapped. "What on earth has gotten into you?"

I got up out of my chair and walked back out to my desk, grabbing the ultrasound pictures and Spencer who just looked at me confused, before walking back into the break room.

I threw the pictures at my mom and sat down, ripping off the hoodie and crossing my arms.

"Your grandkids. That's what gotten into me." I mumbled, taking an aggressive bite of my salad.

The three other people in the room just stared at me.

"What?" I snapped. Spencer moved closer and put his hand on my back, rubbing circles with his thumb.

"Take a deep breath, darling. Everything is going to be okay." He said, kissing the top of my head.

"Is it? I didn't want to tell her yet and I had exactly how I wanted to tell her all planned out but then she just comes in asking all these questions, and bringing in raw fish as a gift and I can't even eat it. And then tells me that she got a job downstairs, so what was I supposed to do, just wear a baggy hoodie everyday?" I blurted, before stuffing my face with more salad to keep from crying. Penelope and Spencer both chuckled at my very childish outburst.

"Eliza?" My mom says reaching over and putting her hands on my stomach. "How far along are you?"

"8 weeks." I said, leaning my head back against Spencer.

"And it's twins?" She asked, a sad smile on her face. I nodded.

"If she were here, Aunt Maggie would say 'I told you twins skip a generation.' Which is a complete myth by the way."

"So I assume you and Spencer are a lot more serious than you let on?" She asked, sitting back and eating her food. I followed her lead and took another bite of my salad. "Is there going to be a wedding anytime soon?"

She couldn't have picked a worse time to ask that. The bite that I was trying to swallow went down the wrong way and I got choked.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, taking a sip of my water.

"A wedding. Marriage."

"Uh, Penelope, you said you needed to show me something earlier." I said standing up and grabbing my salad. She looked at me confused for a second before getting the hint.

"Right yes, very time sensitive BAU business. Reid, I need you too." She said, grabbing up her sushi. "Michelle it was nice to see you again, thank you for the sushi."

"Bye mom, love you." I said, rushing out of the breakroom, dragging Spencer behind me.

Hehe my mental health is depleting because of college but at least I have this story to fall back on.

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