Ciel Cannons

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• You steal his eyepatch

• A lot

• Every time you do he ends up having to bribe you with sweets to get it back

• The both of you hate parties

• When you do go to them you both end up talking mad shit about everyone there

• You're both awful at dancing, but you love to dance together anyway

• You're the only one that can make Ciel genuinely smile

• You both enjoy writing letters to each other despite living together

• Sometimes you'll wear red so that you compliment his blue nicely

• You both have "game dates" where you spend all day playing different board and card games

• He always beats you in chess, but you absolutely destroy him in battleship

• He always makes sure that his stores are stocked with your favorite sweets

• You're always worried about him so the both of you got those bracelets that pulse to the others heartbeat

• This has led to "fluster wars" where the both of you will try to get the other as embarrassed as possible in order to speed up their heart rate

• "The only thing I'm good at is breathing!"

• "Ciel, you have asthma..."

• The two of you adopted a big black dog and named it "Sebastian" just to get on Sebastian's nerves

• You love Ciel's contract eye and hate when he hides it behind his eyepatch

• You once got kidnapped and Ciel ordered Sebastian to do something so awful to your kidnappers that no one ever touched you again

• You love spicy foods and he hates them, so dinner is always fun

• You insist on making him wear reindeer antlers around Christmas time

• In retaliation, he makes you wear an elf hat

• The two of you are complete opposites but you work well together

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