Chocolate (Ciel x Girlfriend!Reader)

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(Y/N)- Your Name

Crash! Bang! Boom! You listened as three panicked voices cried out in unison

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Crash! Bang! Boom! You listened as three panicked voices cried out in unison

"Mister Sebasssssstiannnnnn!!!" You shifted slightly in tho soft plush chair you currently sat in and let out a small laugh, which seemed to catch the attention of your hard-at-work fiancé

"What's so funny?" Ciel said, glancing up from his paperwork. You shook your head and took a small bite of the chocolate bar in your hand

"Oh, nothing." You heard the servants cry out again, which prompted another laugh from you. There was no doubt in your mind that the servants were currently being reprimanded for smashing the china, ruining the garden, blowing up the kitchen, or something just as ridiculous.

That was one of the reasons why you liked visiting the Phantomhive manor, because the servants amused you. Their antics never seemed to get old and the fact that they annoyed Sebastian only amused you further.

Suddenly a sharp pain cut through your lower stomach. You gave a quiet gasp and curled up a little more into your chair, waiting for the pain to pass. Once it did, you sighed and took another bite of chocolate.

It was that time of the month again, and you were definitely not having a good time. Ciel, hating the fact that you were in pain, kept you fully supplied with chocolate, I guess that was one of the perks of dating the owner of one of the most successful candy corporations out there. A small 'umph' sounded as Ciel plopped into the chair beside you, you raised an eyebrow

"And what do you think you're doing?" Ciel tilted his head back to look at you

"I'm taking a break, the work is so boring."

"Why not just let Sebastian do it all?"

"Oh please," he muttered "he'd run the company into the ground just to spite me." You rolled your eyes and smiled

"Anything I could do to make it better?" Ciel turned around to you as the corners of his mouth lifted up into a grin

"Well, there is one thing..." you leaned in and his lips met yours. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders and his wrapped around your waist. The two of you sat like that for a few minutes, just kissing each other, stopping every now and then for a breath. After a moment, you realized something

"Ciel, why do you keep kissing me like that?" He blushed and rubbed his neck

"Well, um.... you kinda...."

"I kinda, what?" He let out a quiet laugh and rested his forehead on yours

"You taste like chocolate." You lightly shoved him away and took on a playfully offended tone,  smacking his shoulder

"I knew it! You are way too obsessed with sweets!"

"I can't help it!" You snickered at him and put your hand out to him, offering him your candy bar

"Do you just want some of my chocolate?" He leaned in and shook his head, some of his blue hair falling into his eyes

"No.... I like it this way..." you were about to meet him halfway and kiss him again when suddenly the large oak door opened, revealing Sebastian

"Young master, I-" his crimson eyes landed on the two of you as you jumped back and turned a dark shade of red, a smirk making its way onto his face

"Should I come back later, my lord? It seems as if you are quite busy." Amusement laced his tone, which only annoyed Ciel further as he furiously glared at him

"Get out, demon!" After Sebastian had closed the door as he left, you could hear his faint chuckle. Ciel turned back to you and rolled his eyes, his face still red from being caught

"See? He ruins everything." A loud burst of laughter erupted from your chest, you couldn't help it, Ciel was always looking for a reason to be annoyed by Sebastian. You found it endearing, it was just another thing you loved about staying there. You loved the servants antics and how Sebastian always scolded them, you loved the crazy mysteries that they were always solving, and most importantly-

"I love you." You immediately slammed your hand over your mouth, Ciel staring at you in shock. Slowly....very slowly.....he took your hand in his and his shock melted into a soft smile

"I love you too, (Y/N)." Your hand slid off of your mouth as joy painted your face, this was the first time that he had ever said it to you. You gently cupped his face and giggled

"Are you sure that's not the chocolate talking, Ciel?" He placed a kiss on your forehead

"I'm sure."

A/N: This oneshot is shorter than the others, but I still think it's better than the original version

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A/N: This oneshot is shorter than the others, but I still think it's better than the original version. What do you guys think?- Author-Chan

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