Making it Up to You [1] (William x Reaper!Reader)

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(Y/N)- Your Name

(L/N)- Last Name

(H/C)- Hair Color

Your black dress shoes clacked on the stone as you hopped from one rooftop to the next, annoyance racing through your veins and making it's way onto your face

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Your black dress shoes clacked on the stone as you hopped from one rooftop to the next, annoyance racing through your veins and making it's way onto your face. Today had almost been perfect.

Grell and Ronald were affable, actually doing their work for once and not making a mess of your office. You had had relatively little work to do, and the work you did have was easy, routine. There were no nuisances, no surprise cases, no mistakes in the files, and no field work. Yes, today was perfect. At least, until you got the call.

Just as you were leaving dispatch, right on time if I may add, your phone had rang, stopping you in your tracks. One of your superiors informed you that there was a last minute soul collection, a slight oversight that you had to take care of. That alone didn't bother you, what bothered you was the fact that you had to work with......him.

You paused momentarily to survey your surroundings, dust kicking up as you skidded to a stop. Your breath mixed with the cool night air, making steam as a sigh escaped you. Why did it have to be him of all people? Your eyes finally found their target, a large townhouse in the middle of the East End, and you quickly hopped onto the slightly smaller building next to it. Landing right beside the one person you didn't want to see.

"You're late." The sharp tone of the voice drew your eyes to the left, where William T Spears stood. His posture was stiff and a glare was fixated on his face, as usual, only this time it was directed at you. You glanced down at your wrist and the silver watch that fastened around it, before looking back up at him

"Actually I'm early, William. Check your facts before you suddenly decide that I'm wrong." Your blatant dislike was barely masked by the passive aggressive politeness that laced your tone, although it didn't go unnoticed

"No matter our likeness in training I am now your superior, and you will address me as such, Miss (L/N)." Irritation radiated off of him and buried itself in his voice, you couldn't help but feel disgusted with both him and yourself. How were you ever friends with someone like him?

Silence stretched between you, dry and angry, as you clamped your mouth shut. You weren't going to respond to someone so crass, instead you took this time to give the building in front of you a once over.

The mission was to collect the several souls that would soon be passing on, due to smoke inhalation, you thought. The only reason why more than one reaper was needed for this job was because it was in an area with a high concentration of demons. You'd almost prefer dealing with those scavenging mongrels than the man beside you.

The building itself stood tall, towering above you as the moon illuminated it's decay. The bricks were crumbling down, barely holding up whatever was held inside, and the windows were cracked, like ruined eyes staring at you, somehow knowing what was to come about tonight. You glanced at your watch one last time before the building before you bursted into a picture of red and orange that reflected off of the glass. William began to say something but you cut him off

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