Mulai dari awal

No one would know if she simply pretended he was just another customer. Just another customer, yeah.

"Welcome to the Mocha House. What can I get you?" She asked politely with an equally kind smile. Though it was easy to see the sheer panic in her eyes. Taehyung's smile was equally as charming as he leaned against the counter. Deciding to go along with her charades, he said, "Whatever's your favorite."

Quickly, Venus simply put in an order for a matcha tea, not her favorite but the first thing on the menu. "Tae, what are you doing here?" She hissed under her breath at him as she put in the order and took the card he offered out to her without even hearing what the bill was. Not that it mattered. The 3,000 won it cost wouldn't even scratch the surface of his riches.

Taehyung shrugged carelessly with an impish smile across his lips. "I needed to get out and take a break from painting so I figured I'd come visit you briefly." Even though they would be seeing each other in just a few short hours. Venus turned her gaze away from the glittering, black diamonds of his eyes. "Taehy-"

Jin had come from the kitchen to set out the baked goods in their proper cases when he came upon the sight of Venus and Taehyung. She looked distressed, disturbing the curls of her hair while the man across from her seemed awfully amused by her discomfort. The dynamic was clear the moment Jin came out that he, whoever this random man was, was the very person Jin feared was harming her.

Abandoning his original task at hand, Jin made his way over to the couple and stood behind Venus with furrowed brows and a firm scowl across his lips. "Is he bothering you, Venus?" He crossed his arms over his chest, broad shoulders square as he stood up straighter. If looks could kill, they'd all be standing at Taehyung's funeral right now.

Venus quickly shook her head. "No, no, of course not. There's nothing to worry about." The very last thing she wanted was them drawing attention by having them slap their dicks on the table to see whose was bigger. Men, always having to compete with one another.

But Jin's protectiveness was righteous. It came from a place of good intent. If he felt as though something was wrong, he had to confront it. "Who are you?" He wasn't asking, he was demanding an answer. If there was anything Taehyung hated more, it was being told what to do without his consent. Her eyes narrow with agitation as his posture becomes pen-straight. God, why can't anyone mind their fucking business?

"Kim Taehyung, her boyfriend. Who are you?"

Woah. Venus' eyes nearly fall out of their sockets at his words. When was this discussed? Was he in on something she wasn't because she doesn't remember having the conversation about what their relationship officially was? It wasn't like the idea displeased her, but still, she felt like she deserved to know when she got a boyfriend.

Seokjin's eye twitched involuntarily. "Kim Seokjin, her boss."

Venus was forced to stand between the two of them while they stared each other down. Even when Jungkook awkwardly shuffled over and set the matcha tea down on the counter and asked whispered, "What's going on?"

"I have no idea." Finally, she stepped in between the two of them. "Would you two stop? You're causing a scene." She pushed Jin softly away from the counter. "Please Jin, stop." She whispered, pleading with him to leave it alone. "I'm okay, I promise. There's no need to be so aggressive." Whatever threat he thought Taehyung posed to her was entirely imaginary.

"Venus, if you need help just tell me," Jin whispered to her. "If he's abusing you, we can go to the police-"

"Seokjin!" She shook her head at him, eyes wide with fear that he may get Taehyung in serious trouble over nothing. "I swear on my mother's life that I am completely fine. This is a huge misunderstanding."

Jin stared at her for a long pause of silence before looking back at Taehyung who stood behind the counter, sipping on his matcha tea victoriously. His lips pursed. "Okay...but please tell me if something's going on, okay? I only want you to be safe."

To make him feel better, Venus nodded. "Of course." Quickly, she shooed him away so that she could tell Taehyung to go away as well. It took a bit of convincing, but Jin finally returned to the kitchen.

When Venus returned to the counter, she glared at Taehyung. "Not at my job." Was all she said. "I have my time here and I have my time with you. Those two should not overlap, okay?" She was setting boundaries, boundaries that he had to respect. Taehyung straightened out. "My apologies, princess. I didn't mean to overstep my place."

"We need to talk after I get off work." That boyfriend comment didn't go unnoticed. They needed to discuss that as soon as possible. Taehyung nodded respectfully. "Of course, darling. Thank you for the drink." He raised the cup and made his way towards the door to head back home.

The moment he was gone, Venus melted to the ground behind the counter and placed her hands over her head.


*.✧ Kᴀʏs Eɴᴅɪɴɢ Nᴏᴛᴇs

Idk if I should put the police scene in this version of the book. I might just have her explain to Jin what's going on and gloss over this part but idk. Do you guys still wanna see the police scene cuz I remember a lot of people got a good kick out of it.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed and I wish you all a wonderful day/night.


~Kay  (*˘︶˘*).。*♡

❝𝗦𝗔𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗦 & 𝗦𝗜𝗡𝗡𝗘𝗥𝗦. ── 𝗞.𝗧𝗛✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang