My Hero!

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It took the four people standing on the winding stairwell a couple of minutes before either one of them gained composure.

"dude!" Paul, the young alpha King's beta, exclaimed looking astonished, "I think a twelve year old has a crush on you alpha!"

"she's not that young!" Jessica snapped, before recalling herself remembering who she was talking to. "sorry,"  she apologize seeing the venomous look the young alpha King's sister and Paul's mate threw her way.

"she sure does look it." Paul adds nonchalantly.

"Is that...?" Elaine said thoughtfully, "Is that, the crazy omega?"

"the crazy omega?" Paul inquired, clueless.

"yeah, the crazy omega. Everyone knows the crazy Omega!" Elaine told him as though he's stupid not to know, but he still looked none the wiser.

"come one! She's like the most disrespectful wolf ever! She doesn't acknowledge rank or anything. And her brother always seem to support her, and just because his pack is the second strongest to the royal pack, they get away with it." Elaine sneered.

"maybe you should take it out with your father." Jessica said a little rudely than she intended earning a growl from Paul. This time she didn't even bother to apologise cause she knew she wouldn't mean it.

"don't judge her, you don't know anything." she said trying to cool down the situation.

"what's wrong with her." Jax, the young alpha King, spoke for the first time.

"am not allowed to talk about it, nobody is."

"I order you as the alpha King!"

"not even your order can surpass the first order. If anyone speaks of it, they'll choke to death with their own tongue." she answered calmly. "only my mate and your father have the free will to speak of it."

"my father?" Elaine questioned alarmed.

"yes, for some reason, the alpha King has a soft spot for her.

He calls all the time to ask about her. If you haven't noticed, my mate and your father are pretty close. He doesn't act all meek and proper around the alpha King like the other alphas do."

Jax screwed his brows. "I thought it was because he has the second strongest pack and he was confident enough."

"dude, you look disturbed. Why are you so interested?" Paul pushed him playfully.

"I'm not!"

"oh, please! You never, I mean ever! Let anyone touch you like that. And she was like all over you! 'oh my angel! My hero!" Paul said using a girly tone. "the only thing missing were some smooches!" Paul made some kissy noises.

Jax looked so flustered, he wondered what was wrong with himself.

"will you stop! You can be so immature!" Elaine slapped him upside the head.

"what!" he whined. "look at him, he's all red! When have you ever seen Jax go read, unless he's super angry!"

"shut up! Or he might actually turn red with anger."

Jessica ignored their bantering, "let me take you to your rooms."

Jax hesitated, "you go ahead, I'll follow later." he said before running off.

Paul's mouth fell agape seeing his friend run off just like that.
What's wrong with him?

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Merci. ;-)

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