Hell No!

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Jax cruised through the crescent pack mansion like a brewing storm! A tornado waiting to happen.

His skin was tight, his body tense, his wolf restless... His mood was even worse!

Ever since he woke up in the pack's study with that girl practically on top of him, and then left, he had been in a very foul mood.

Everything rattled him, his wolf was on high alert, ready to attack at any provocation.

"Man! Will you stop pacing," Paul whined. "you'll dig a hole in someone's house! No pun intended doggy!"

On a normal day, Jax didn't mind Paul's quack. But at that moment, he wanted to break his neck! After he ringed it, right before he tore his throat out!

He growled at him.

Paul held his hands up in surrender, "chill! Was just suggesting!" he then added under his breath. "what crawled up your ass and died."

Which Jax heard and gave an even more feral growl.

"Okay! Okay! Don't bite my head off." Paul jumped off the bed tossing aside the magazine he was flipping through.

"Let's just go to the ceremony. Obviously something is raising your hackles and is not letting on any time soon."

"whatever." Jax grumbled already leaving the room.

"wait up! It was my idea to begin with."

Jax reached the backyard ignoring the gathered cliques that gave him one look or another depending on the gender and age. It was something he was used to.

He was thankful that no one dared to approach him due to the dark vibe he was sending, and anyone with a brain would know to keep their distance. That meant Paul was still at his side trying to keep up!


Alas, he spoke too soon. Another fool!

He turned to the forced, overly sickly sweet voice, meeting a pair of pale blue eyes, that to his opinion, were blinking too much and too fast.
Female tactics! He scoffed in his head giving her a distasteful look. In every pack he always came across one of these ones. Too blonde, too made up, and too easy.

"I'm Aqua, the new beta is my brother. He'll be sworn in today too... " she extended hand for a shake while the other twirled her hair in her finger.

"And...?" was Jax' response to all that.

She cleared her throat, uncomfortable, clearly not expecting that, for she considered herself a very attractive she wolf and her charms usually worked. Always got her what she wanted.

She was hoping to be mated to someone powerful like him, but he was obviously not her mate, so, she would settle for the next best thing.

Hooking up with him.

It will score her major bragging rights amongst her friends for the next forever!

She smiled sweetly unperturbed by his hostility.

"You must be Jax. The legendary future alpha King."

Jax crossed arms interested to see where she was headed with this.

"They say you're the strongest wolf in all of history after shifting at two!" she gushed.
Praises always boosts their egos. She smirked to herself.

"I bet you have major muscles... Maybe..." the girl gave a seductive smile. "we can find a quiet place and talk for a bit?" she suggested hopefully, raising her hand with the intention of stroking his arms.

Paul caught the hand. "yeah.. I wouldn't do that if I were you. It's fun watching you working your 'moves', more like embarrassing yourself, but I don't think it's worth you losing your hand."

She snatched her hand away from him, "stay out of this, I wasn't talking to you!" she flipped her hair.

The girl was obviously daft.

"This is stupid, I'm going back in. People around here are obviously retarded!" Jax muttered giving a quick turn, only for an omega serving refreshments to run into him, emptying a tray full of drinks on him.

With that he snapped.

With a growl he lunged for the poor guy who was already whimpering in fear, and if Paul hadn't stood before him stopping him, the guy would probably be dead.

"Let it go Jax, it was an accident." Paul tried to sooth him, it wasn't working. Much.

His eyes were already golden showing his wolf was on the surface ready to pounce, making the gathered mass cower away from the aura of authority he was giving.

"Jax! Pull yourself together!" His father roared from the podium using alpha tone of authority.

In response, Jax flashed him his fangs in defiance. But turned around and started walking towards the house.

He was too outraged to care where he was headed until something flung into him.

"OH HELL NO!" He roared, this one he was going to tare into pieces! That was before he looked into those deep blue eyes that had his wolf sing 'hallelujah', which in wolf language sounded more like "Mate! Mine!" 

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