Moonbin: I’m pretty sure I’m at the right place.


Moonbin’s POV

Sanha: Moonbin! You’re back!

As soon as Minhyuk and I enter the house, Sanha sees us and he runs towards me and puts his arms around me. Myungjun and Jinwoo soon appear and I see their faces light up before they run towards me and place their arms around me, too.

Myungjun: I can’t believe you’re finally back!

Jinwoo: It’s been 5 long years without you! We missed you so much!

I smile brightly and let them hug me before they pull away. Jinwoo then looks at me with a confused look.

Jinwoo: By the way, where’re your bags? Did you come back with no possessions?

I laugh and Jinwoo’s look turns into a more confused one.

Moonbin: Aniyo. I just left them at a hotel near the airport temporarily while I came here to make sure you guys are still here.

Myungjun: Of course, we’re still here! Why would we leave without telling you?

I then feel Minhyuk place his hand on my shoulder and I turn to him to see him smiling.

Minhyuk: You are fully recovered, aren’t you?

I smile playfully and shake my head.

Moonbin: Aniyo.

Suddenly, Minhyuk punches my arm and I shout.

Minhyuk: Yah! I told you not to come back until you’re fully recovered!

Moonbin: I’m just kidding! Of course, I’m fully recovered!

I laugh and Minhyuk gives me an annoyed look before smirking.

Minhyuk: Alright! Where’s that hotel you left your bags at? Let’s go get them.

Minhyuk takes out keys and I look at him with wide eyes. He then smirks.

Minhyuk: What? Are you that surprised that I already have a car? Just hurry up already so you won’t have to pay for an extra night at that hotel!

We all go out and get into Minhyuk’s car and he drives to the address I told him. I’m seated in the passenger seat infront and the others are seated in the back.

Moonbin: By the way, where’s Eunwoo-hyung?

Sanha: Oh, he went on a blind date.

My eyes widen and I smirk.

Moonbin: I didn’t know he was actually into those kind of things.

Minhyuk: Yeah... well, he was actually forced... by Yeonjun.

My eyes widen again and I remember what happened a while ago.


Yeonjun: Y/N!

It was Yeonjun who was running towards Y/N to save her, a while ago. Now that Minhyuk mentioned it, I did see Eunwoo there, too.I was able to save Y/N but I didn’t want her to know that I had returned, yet. But to think that she had gone on a blind date while I was gone...

End of Flashback

Had she already stopped waiting?

Minhyuk: Oh, by the way, have you seen Y/N already?

I turn to Minhyuk and shake my head.

Moonbin: Aniyo. Not yet.

Minhyuk: Well, she seems to have really missed you. You should meet up with her soon.

Moonbin: Yeah...


Your POV
I’m in my room, now, and I’m lying on my bed and facing the ceiling. I’m still thinking about the stranger who saved me.

It’s gotta be Moonbin. That person’s voice sounds exactly like him... But why would he just suddenly walk away like that after saving me?

I sigh then roll over to my side.

This doesn’t make any sense at all.


Eunwoo’s POV

I arrive at Astro’s House and immediately notice that something’s off.

Eunwoo: That’s weird. The house is too quiet.

I walk to the door and turn the knob.

It’s locked.

Eunwoo: Anyone in there? MJ-hyung? Jin Jin-hyung? Sanha?

No one answers.

Eunwoo: Yah! Are you guys playing a prank or something?

Suddenly, I hear a car arriving and I turn around to see Minhyuk’s car coming into the driveway.

Eunwoo: What the-

My eyes widen when I see Moonbin step out of the passenger’s side infront and he looks at me and smiles.

Eunwoo: Moonbin?

Moonbin: Yup. I’m back.


Later that night

We’ve already brought in Moonbin’s stuff into the house and into his room and now we’re having dinner at a restaurant near our house.

Jinwoo: So, how’s America?

Sanha: Oh! Did you see any Hollywood stars while you were there?

Moonbin laughs and I chuckle.

Moonbin: You know I went there for treatment and not tourism, right?

Sanha laughs nervously and Moonbin suddenly turns to me and a look of concern forms on his face.

Moonbin: You’re quiet today. What happened?

I shake my head and smile.

Eunwoo: Nothing.

Moonbin smiles playfully.

Moonbin: I heard you went on a blind date. Who’d you meet?

An annoyed look forms on my face.

Eunwoo: Yah! I didn’t even want to go! Yeonjun just forced me!

Moonbin laughs and I smile, remembering what happened.

Eunwoo: But even so, I was able to know who was right for me because of the advice of someone who I thought I liked.

Moonbin: Y/N.

My eyes widen and I look at Moonbin and see him smiling.

Moonbin: She’s the one who gave you the advice, didn’t she?

Eunwoo: How did you-

Moonbin: I just happened to see you guys on my way here. I’m glad she’s doing well.

Even though Moonbin is smiling, I can still see a hint of sadness in his smile.

Moonbin: Well! It’s getting really late. Why don’t we just finish eating so we can head back home! I’m exhausted after all that travelling.

We continue eating and somehow, I can’t help but feel guilty as I look at Moonbin.

I still can’t believe I tried to go after his girl while he was gone.

Love Maze: 18 Exits (BTS X Reader X Astro X TXT) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now