Chapter Fourteen

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The next day, you turned up for your classes but with Vaseline slathered onto your injury..

"Is that a magic cream?" Cedric asked curiously.

"No..." you answered, applying the cream. "It's a very good cream from the Muggle world. But it does work like magic."

"I even use it as a base primer before I apply my make up!" Luna beamed. "I read that it's better than most primer in a magazine that (YN) lent to me!"

"Wow that explains your dewy make up look!" Cho gushed as Cedric lowered his gaze to your eyes and asked worriedly.

"You sure you okay (YN)?"

You dreaded the thought of writing another fifty lines today but you push those worries aside for now.

"Yea I'm fine."

"Why did you even turn up for classes today? You should have gone to Madam Pomfrey and asked for an excuse slip." Luna chided you gently.

"I did at the insistence of Ingrid but guess what? Madam Pomfrey said Professor Umbridge warned her not to excuse me." you shrugged nonchalantly.

"What?!" Cho cried out.

"The nerve of her!" Cedric gritted out, clenching his fist. "This is just absurd! Why can't the other Professors interfere?! So what if parents' from Slytherins support this? Parents from the other three houses don't!"

"He's got a good point there. Why not we start a petition?" Luna smiled but you shook your head.

"Apparently that bitch's method is approved by Ministry of Magic. Ron's parents helped us to find out. I don't even know why. I mean it's medieval torture!"

"Apparently Mr Weasley showed a copy of approval report from the Ministry of Magic..." you sighed as you clasped the Vaseline bottle close. "What can we do?"

A soft voice interrupted the four of you...

"Hey (YN), I heard what happened. Look I'm gonna get my parents to get to the bottom of this. They have some influence in the wizarding world too." Theseus spoke as he patted your shoulder. Newt made eye contact with you before looking away.

You were surprised then remembered Theseus and Newt are your classmates too.

"Don't delve too deep until you get into trouble okay? It's not worth it for me." you smiled weakly when Newt mumbled something while scraping his feet against the ground.

"Anything's worth it for you." he whispered but you all heard it.

Theseus chuckled, Luna and Cho gasped with silly grins at you and Newt while Cedric coughed uncomfortably.

You didn't know how to react to his answer and just blinked in confusion as you shook your head.

"I-uh... I-erm... Don't we have class soon?" you changed the subject and looked to Luna and Cho for help.

The two of them shot you cheeky looks before Luna sighed and stood up.

"Yes we have Quidditch lessons. Let's go guys."

Throughout the walk to Quidditch and after that, no one brought that awkward moment up...


You walked to Professor Umbridge's office with heavy steps after school. You controlled your body to stop shivering with fear at the thought of the impending pain from her enchanted black quill...

Footsteps caught up to you and before you could turn around, you turned to your side and it was Newt Scamander.

"Uhm... Hi?" you squeaked out, the awkward memory rushing back to you.

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