Chapter Five

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NOTE: Let's just assume the Truth Potion is not controlled by the Ministry of Magic and is not extremely difficult to make.

And I changed the lyrics a bit.


Right now you are having Muggle Music lesson with Professor Flitwick. Class here is bearable since Pansy and Astoria don't take this elective..

"Music is like a dream. Sometimes music is the only medicine the heart and soul needs." Professor Flitwick spoke with such passion.

"Is he dating Professor Trelawney? Their speech pattern are getting too similar." Blaise pointed out.

"I don't know man, that would be weird." Draco shivered at the thought.

"Music is not to hear. It is to FEEL!" Professor Flitwick emphasized loudly that you flinched.

"Ah!" he pointed his wand at you. "You must be so moved by my lecture that you moved!"

"I am?"

"Yes! Are you from a musical background?" he asked.

"Uhh I mean I did take piano lessons but that was when I was still young. I graduated but didn't practise it."

"Nevertheless! Come up here and play then!" he used his wand to summon a black grand piano before us.

"Oh my lord..." I whispered, mentally face palming myself before raising my hand. "Sorry Professor can you summon a smaller piano? I mean I feel like you're expecting great things from me with that piano size..."

"Oh come on now Miss (LN) don't be modest! Even if you play a nursery rhyme it's a start!" he encouraged and you gulped nervously before Draco, sitting behind you, whispered in your ear.

"Go on... You can do it." he encouraged.

You turned sideways to give him a small smile, took a deep breath and stood up to go to the piano.

You pulled out the seat and cracked your fingers, gliding them over the keys...

"Any song will do?" you asked Professor Flitwick.

"Any song." he nodded.

You took a deep breath and started playing one of your favourite pieces you remembered from your piano lessons.
(Everything's Alright)

"Short steps, deep breath,
Everything is alright.
Chin up, I can't,
Step into the spotlight.
She said, "I'm sad,"
Somehow without any words.
I just stood there,
Searching for an answer.

When this world is no more,
The moon is all we'll see.
I'll ask you to fly away with me.
Until the stars all fall down,
They empty from the sky.
But I don't mind
If you're with me, then everything's alright.

Why do my words,
Always lose their meaning?
What I feel, what I say,
There's such a rift between them.
She said, "I can't,
Really seem to read you.
I just stood there,
Never know what I should do.

When this world is no more,
The moon is all we'll see.
I'll ask you to fly away with me.
Until the stars all fall down.
They empty from the sky.
But I don't mind,
If you're with me, then everything's alright.
If you're with me, then everything's alright."

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