Chapter Fifteen

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"Professor Umbridge has some urgent business with the Scamander family hence, Newt and Theseus will be missing in action for a while." Professor Mcgonagall announced during the evening assembly.

"Is it serious?" Oliver raised his hand to ask.

"I guess so. Since we're all against the dark Lord returning, let me just share with you. The Scamanders are trying to prove that Professor Dolores Umbridge is a dark Lord supporter."

Everyone gasped in shock at that news but not Draco. Though you didn't notice it.

"So why does it have to be the Scamanders? We can help too." Harry piped up.

"The Scamander has something that the dark Lord used to be after. A family briefcase where they keep magical beasts inside. But that's all I know for now so let's get back to the itinerary. I'll be reinstated back as your Headmistress."

Everyone cheered and gave Professor Mcgonagall whoops of happiness as she smiled at everyone fondly.

When the evening assembly was over, Draco pulled you into a secluded corner.

"Hey..." he breathed, a cold mist escaping his lips. "I'm sorry for my outburst that day..."

You rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms.

"Jealous much?"

"Well... you can say that..."

"Draco, you know that you are the only one I'm intimate with that way. Besides we're not a real couple."

"I still see you as someone special to me." he muttered and you gave a small smile, wrapping your hands around his neck.

"You are special to me too..." you whispered, kissing him slowly, to which he returned.

Both of you kissed for so long till you lose track of time...

(Dynamite- BTS)

It was Saturday and you were at Hogsmeade with your usual friends. Except this time the group has grown with Cedric, Luna and Cho.

"Yo! Guys!" Ron called out excitedly, behind him were his three elder brothers, Fred, George and Percy Weasley.

"Hey guys! Fancy meeting you all here!" Harry and Hermione cried out as they ran over to hug all three brothers.

"So what brings you here?" Cedric asked, greeting them with fist bumps.

"We're holding a party!" Fred beamed excitedly. "And you're all invited!"

Draco raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"What party? Where?"

"Oh put your guard down Malfoy!" George teased him. "It's a party like the Muggles do it... err... what's the name again?" he turned to Percy.

"A night club." Percy answered as he crossed his arms with a smile.

"Yea a night club!" George nodded. "It's happening tomorrow night!"

"But tomorrow's a Sunday!" Hermione protested. "We have school on Monday!"

"Aww being hangover on one Monday wouldn't hurt right?" Fred waggled his eyebrows.

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