Chapter Ten

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As soon as you got Draco's attention by signalling him to leave the Great Hall, you both hid in a secluded corner.

"Hey love." he breathed, holding your hand. "What's wrong?"

You felt butterflies in your stomach when you heard him calling you that or princess. Initially you felt surprised the few times he did that but now... you got used to it and it will feel weird if he doesn't call you that...

"Love?" he asked, a worried look on his face.

"Oh..." you blinked before shaking your head. "Erm... I have something to tell you."


"I'm study buddies with Cedric..." you blurted out. "Professor Mcgonagall overlooked the number of students from same houses in the new batch and assigned me to Luna. Now she realised it already and put me with someone from the same house..."

You waited to see Draco's reaction...

His grey eyes darkened for a while before he took a deep breath.

"That's all?"

"Erm... I thought I would just tell you... So you wouldn't get the wrong idea if you see me with Cedric."

"It's not like you're dating him right."

"What?! No!" you protested. "We're just friends!"

"Why can't you just switch back to the same cohort as me?" he asked with puppy dog eyes.

God damn it, he's good.

You then shook your head

"I can't! Professor Mcgonagall will kill me if I ask her to switch me back! She'll call me indecisive and god knows what other punishments she has for me!"

"Oh..." he shrugged. "Then that's just too bad." then he smirked.

"But I'm telling the Gryffindor trio the dare is back on."

You pouted as you tiptoed to kiss his cheek.

"Okay love." you whispered, winking at him as you walked away.

He blinked in confusion before shouting after you.

"Hey! That's my nickname for you! You can't just steal it!"


"The wizarding world is full of history. Very rich in history. Now today we're going to talk about Tom Riddle and how he changed into what we know of today as Voldemort. He was a very fearsome wizard..." Professor Binns began.

"Hey do you think uhm... he's going to cover about the Death Eater mark?" you whispered to Cedric beside you.

"I think it might take a few chapters. I don't know. Why?" he whispered back.

"Nothing. Just curious."

"He hardly ever spoke of magic. And when he did, it was like a history of lesson and no one could bear to listen to him." Professor Binns continued.

"Hey (YN)..." Cedric elbowed you gently.

"Hm?" you answered as you took a quill feather to scribble notes in your textbook

"Are you uhm... with Draco Malfoy?"

You bit your lower lip and continued speaking without looking at him.


"I uhm... wanna ask you out to... uhm... Hogsmeade..."

You sighed mentally, knowing you have to reject him because of your dare with Draco...

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