Chapter Two

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"Today's lesson is about seeing your greatest desire. Embrace it and don't be afraid to hide it." Professor Trelawney drawled. "The seer does not see by choice, what the blind can see by default..."

All of you were standing in a semi circle with the Professor in front. You yawned as Blaise spoke from behind you and Ingrid..

"What drugs is she on droning like that..." he muttered and you and Ingrid stifled a laugh.

"You tend to forget.. But the purpose is beyond the end you figured..."

"Whatever she's high on must be good for her to crone like that..." Draco joked and Ingrid and Blaise chuckled except for you.

Draco then pulled the sleeve of your robe and you eyed him from the side of your eye.

"What?" you whispered as you leaned away from Ingrid.

He shuffled away from Blaise and neared his lips to your ear.

"You still mad about yesterday?"

You felt a shiver run down your spine when you heard his breath against your skin...

"Uhm... Uh..." you cleared your throat. "No. I'm not. I'm over it."

"You serious?"

"Yea..." you then turned around slightly to look at him. "Can you not whisper in my ear anymore? It's making me uncomfortable."

"Why? Getting turned on?" he chuckled and whispered in your ear again and when he saw you blush, he in turn blushed too.

"God (LN) I was just joking!" he raised his voice a bit.

"Draco just shut up already." you muttered as you shuffled back to Ingrid.

"Mr Malfoy. It's your turn!"

"My turn to what?" he asked, craning his neck to see the Professor.

"To stand before the Mirror of Erised and tell us what is your greatest desire! Have you not been listening to a single thing I've been saying?!" she snapped.

"Oh uhh... Can (LN) go first?" he said hastily. "I'm not ready!"

"What?!" you raised your voice, turning around to face him. "What do you mean you're not ready?! Just go and see what your greatest desire is and tell the class! Why do I have to go first?!?"

"I don't want my turn to be now! You go!"

You fumed as you placed your hands on your hips.

"If I'm going you're going too!"

"What-, hey (LN) stop!" he yelled as you dragged him by his robe and both of you wrestled and struggled till you're in front of the Mirror of Erised.

"Ouch okay okay let go! Ugh! You're unbelievable (LN)!" Draco snapped as he dusted his robe and you rolled your eyes at him.

Both of you faced the Mirror of Erised and frowned before Professor Trelawney broke the silence.

"Well? What do you see?" she pressed.

"Errr... just our reflections?" Draco offered.

"Huh? What about you Miss (LN)?"

You scratched the back of your head as you pointed at the mirror while looking at the Professor.

"Uhh... Yea it's just our reflections."

"Impossible..." she quivered and everyone frowned at her.

"Uhh... what is it?" Draco asked.

"Is it possible... That you two desire each other?"

"WHAT?!?" both of you yelled before you pointed at the mirror.

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