Chapter Sixteen

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"Today's lesson is fighting against a Boggart. Does anyone know what it is?" Professor Lupin asks with a bright smile.

Blaise raised his hand.

"A Boggart is a creature that takes on your worst fear. That's what we learnt during our early years here but we've actually never seen one before." he answered.

"Right." Professor Lupin replied as he approached a black cloth which is covering something at the front of his class. "A Boggart reflects your worse fear." He then pulled down the black cloth to reveal a tall mirror cabinet. It then started shaking violently.

"Now. There is a Boggart inside here." the class broke out in gasps except for Draco and Blaise, who remained silent.

"Today's lesson will require you to face your fears up front. Point your wand straight at your fear and chant in a firm voice 'Ridikulus!' Sounds easy?"

Everyone murmured a 'yes' and he clapped his hands.

"Right! With that said let's start with Mr Potter! Mr Potter?" he called out and everyone looked around the class.

"Mr Potter?" Professor Lupin called again.

"Uhh sir..." Neville said as he raised his hand. "It seems the Gryffindor trio aren't here."

"Oh. That's strange..." the Professor muttered. "They're never late for class. Alright then let's move on! Miss Octavia!"

Again no one stepped forward.

"Miss Octavia isn't here too?" he sighed as he spread his arms. "Why is everyone skipping my classes?"

"Well we're not." Neville offered.

"Alright Mr Malfoy. You then." he called out.

Draco raised his eyebrow.

"I fear nothing." he replied.

"Oh come on now! Don't be shy!" Professor Lupin reassured. "Everyone must have a fear!"

Blaise and Draco eyed each other and Blaise gave an encouraging nod.

Draco didn't respond and walked forward. Professor Lupin pointed his wand at the mirror cabinet to unlock the door.

It swung open violently and everyone saw Draco's fear...

Which was nothing.

There was literally nothing inside.

"Err...." Professor Lupin stammered, clearly taken aback by the scene.

"I told you. I fear nothing." Draco sighed with a roll of his eyes. "You're wasting my time."

Just at that moment, the classroom door burst open.

"You can't handle the truth!" Ron yelled, striding in with his wand out at Draco.

He then turned to Hermione, Harry, Ingrid who were walking in behind him. You were being pulled along by Ingrid and Hermione, each of them holding one of your hands..

"I've always wanted to say that." Ron grinned at his friends before Professor Lupin raised his voice.

"What is the meaning of this?!?" he waved a wand at the newcomers. "You guys come into my class late and bring this kind of nonsense! And you...!" he then pointed his wand at you. "Why are you here?! Didn't you change batch already?!"

You just shrugged your shoulders nervously as you turned your eyes to Draco.

Draco looks confused, not knowing what's going on...

"You! You sneaky little bastard!" Hermione cried out, brandishing her wand at Draco.

"Hey! That's insulting!" Pansy yelled at Hermione.

"Yea you apologise to Draco now!" Astoria shouted too.

"Wait wait... What's going on?!" Professor Lupin cried out in confusion.

Harry narrowed his eyes and stood face to face with Draco.

"We believed in you! We trusted you! Hermione, Ron and I fought for your parents' and your rights with the Ministry of Magic during court! How could you betray us like this?!?"

Draco's eyes widened before he too narrowed his eyes at you.

You can't face the hurt in his grey eyes as he then looked back at Harry.

"So... she betrayed me huh..." he chuckled sadly, nodding his head.

He then quickly took out his wand and pulled up his sleeve and in a flash, activated his dark mark, making it jet black in colour.

"I told you and I'll say it again. My father will hear of this!" he hissed as there was silence...

Suddenly screams erupted from outside the classroom on the school grounds.

"Shit! Why didn't you stop him Harry!" Ron yelled as Hermione and Ingrid got distracted and released your hand.

"He was too fast!" Harry cried out as everyone ran out of class to see what's happening.

The sky was pitch black and the whole school ground was in chaos. There were Dementors and beasts of all kinds on the loose. There were even dark wizards and witches of all ages casting forbidden spells on the students...

"Round up the Professors and kill the other students! But I want Harry Potter alive! He's the only living horcrux of Lord Voldemort and we need him to revive our dark Lord!" Lucius Malfoy was seen shouting commands with Narcissa Malfoy beside him.

Harry's eyes narrowed at the scene before he turned to his classmates.

"Professor Lupin and I will fight them off. You guys rally to the Ministry of Magic! They will be able to protect you there!"

"Harry are you crazy?!?" Hermione, Ron and Ingrid yelled out in unison before Hermione grabbed his hand. "You're going to get yourself killed! You need to rally all of the students to fight together!"

"Are you crazy?!? What if they die?! I won't know what to answer their parents! And besides not everyone has a Patronum to fight the Dementors!"

As they were arguing, a group of vampires and werewolves crashed into them, making everyone thrown in all directions. The vampires bit some of the students, adding blood curling screams to the already chaotic school grounds.

"Avada Kedavra!" Professor Lupin shouted as he killed one of the werewolves.

"Professor..." Ingrid gasped with the others. "I thought you said we aren't allowed to use that spell especially on a beast!"

"Well do we have a choice?!" He yelled as he repelled a few more vampires and werewolves off the other students. "I give you permission to use that spell! Ignore Harry's plan! We have to work together now!"

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