chapter 30

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Tebogo's POV

"So you played me this whole time." I said .

"I thought you were joking, but it seems this is serious. " I say I thought he was maybe pranking me or something, but it was true .

"Answer me!" He says .

"You know what Tau I don't have time for this , you are Masego's father unless you have a twin brother that broke my virginity that night then you are not the father and I'm not like you i don't cheat on people i'm suppose to be married to " I say trying to reason with him and knock sense inside his head .

"If you ask Thomas the guard, he might disagree with you," he retorted, who was Thomas, and why was he in our conversation .I look at him confused, and it clicked I've been set up.

"I don't even know who Thomas is and your wife Rethabile has ordered every guard to stop attending to me unless they want to lose their job why would 'Thomas' risk his job " I said back at him . I can't believe we are talking about someone that I have never met.

"Tebogo, why is it so hard to get DNA test from you, or are you hiding something?" Tau said . I was not going to let my be disrespected like that.

"Tau I'm giving you two choices either you are in Masego's life or you are not, I suggest you chose wisely because i won't hesitate to cut you out of my child's life if I feel like you are a risk " I said . I was really tired of Tau's treatment first he ignored me and then came up with this bull shit .

"Look Tau I feel like i need a break from you and your negativity, And my child deserves that so if you don't mind may you please leave " i said , as he was standing there not answering my questions, reading me up and down taking his notes .

"Tebogo, if you want to stay, you can stay, but im taking my child." Wow, so now it's his child. Wasn't he the one saying he wanted a DNA test .

"Oh, so now he's your child ." I asked, looking at him with one hand on my hip.

"Give me my child." He says

"Never the only way that will happen is if you kill me and if you try i swear i will finish you off like nothing , a nobody no one will even be able to bury you " I said standing up so i can be taller then him maybe my message could be heard .

"You kill me. I'd like to see that," he mocks me . My eyes become pure black, and i move towards him .

"Tebogo, what is going on?" he said, moving back slowly.

"No one is going to touch or hurt my baby, especially that bongo witch of yours. Are we clear?" I said in a deep double voice, almost like i was in a trance type of shit . I came close to him. i wanted to kill him right there and be done, but i couldn't my heart loved him so much it wouldn't let me . I told myself to calm down, and i did .

"You know what? Next time, I won't spear you," i said, backing away , i walked away from him to try and get some water to cool down .


It was now night fall and me and my parents and I have been awkardly eating dinner in silence. All that could be heard was forks from my mother and father since i liked eating using my hand . I slowly chew on a piece of meat and look at both my parents as they were staring at me .

"Ok, what is it?" I said, trying to break the ice .

"Well Tebogo me and your father believe in long term marriage and you married Tau so we want you to go back to your husband " my mom says relieved like a big weight hasbern lifted from her shoulders .

"Fine, I'll leave first thing tomorrow morning," I say, standing up, leaving my food almost untouched . Unbelievable i just found them and they want to let me go just like there to be with someone who doesn't love me , no lets not even talk about love he doesn't like me, he ignores me and doesn't pick my calls .

I angrily pack all my stuff, and I do what i didn't want to do i call Tau .
It rings for a while but he picke the call . "Who is this?" i hear him say . Unbelievable he didn't even save my numbers.

"Look, im giving you a chance, one more chance, or I leave and never come back . So come fetch me tomorrow. " I didn't even give him the chance to retort as I quickly ended the call .

I look at my boy Masego and smile , I can't believe through all of this he managed to make me smile. He was the reason I was even here in the first place. It sounded so unrealistic to be in my situation. But this whole thing happened and was happening. All because I decided to go to a club and have fun.

"Mommy is giving daddy one chance so that you don't ever say I didn't try," I say, kissing him, and he laughs . It was the cutest thing ever with his dimples clearly showing.

"Tebogo, may we please talk?" I jump as up . I turn around and see my father behind me .

"Ok, come in." I say in a neutral tone .

"Tebogo, what's going on between you and your husband?" he asks .

"Nothing, dad. i just wanted to spend more time with you and mom , but I told him to fetch me tomorrow." I bluntly lied to his face .

"Tebogo I met your mother on the day of our wedding, which i didn't want but in my anger i saw the most beautiful being walk down the aisle which made me instantly fall in love with her , all along it hadn't occurred to me that she might have been feeling the same , it took time for us to fully understand but After a long time of pretending not to love her i let my heart do the talking and it chose her from day one , now we a practically inseparable " he finishes his speech. Why was he telling me this .

"What I'm trying to say is us royals don't choose who we love but you had that choice and you chose Tau so I want you to stick to your chioce unless you want me to choose who you can marry, I know very suitable princes who would die to be in his shoes " deep down I knew that I didn't really choose him fate chose him for me and I had to live with it no matter the circumstance.

Tebogo His Tswana Queen Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora