chapter 28

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Tebogo's POV

"You know we did not abandon you." I looked up and heard my mother's voice . She was not even looking in my eyes she had tears in her eyes .

"Mom, please, I don't want to talk about it," I said . Irregardless of that fact, she went on and spoke .

"When you were born, it was said you wouldn't even last a whole year ,people a lot of them were after your life . The painful thing was that we did not know who it was. We lived in constant fear , so a month later, we decided to kill you. " My eyes shot up quickly,  kill me .

" You were declared dead , we made up a story that you died in your sleep . We had normal princess funerals, and all people paid their respect . From that day, I knew I had lost you forever, " She said . Tears were in my eyes. Not only was I the victim in this whole situations but they were also victims

"Yes, your father and I made the toughest decision of all ,we decided to give you to a trusted widow from our kingdom  and she ran with you and got to the orphanage where she raised you." All this time, my life was in danger,  I stood up and put Masego in his tiny bed made by the maids besides my bed.

"We gave you to the orphanage on a condition that you were off limit meaning no one was allowed to adopt you , we bought you the finest clothes and got you the finest private tutors. We send money to you so that you couldn't lack anything , we made big donations to the orphanage just for your well-being . We practically gave you a normal life. " I looked at them, so Sister  mary was lying when she said all the things I got came from an anonymous source , they did not want  to be  known.

"Tebogo, one day I came to visit you at the home. Do you know how much it killed me not being able to touch you or speaking to you . I then saw everyone passing by teasing you about your eye color and hair , i saw how unhappy it made you so I bought you a pair of eye contacts so you could at least feel like a normal child.  " I came close to her and gave her a hug course she really needed it .

"Tebogo I have two children a boy and a girl and I raised neither of them , this throne took away the chance of me ever raising my kids and being a mother , I had to send your brother to go live with my mother . He is the first born, but he can't be king , so we speared him the shame." In front of me was a woman who chose to sacrifice her happiness for her children and the kingdom.

"Don't worry, mom, no one will ever hurt this family again," I said . Staring into the wall like I had just sworen for revenge .


Masego is now a week old, and I am still at the letlape kingdom . He is the most adorable little thing ever . He is always in my arms even when his sleeping.  Although my mom has told me countlessly that I had to put the baby down, I insisted on carrying him .

Tau has been calling since morning, and  I have been ignoring him . Honestly, I felt like I was done hoping that he might change and become better . Sometimes, you just have to block all the negativity around you and focus on your joy , my joy, Masego.

"When are you going back to your inlaws?" my mom asked, a question that I've been dreading to answer myself .

"I don't know," I simply said .

"Is there a problem or something im missing?" she asks me .

"Tau and I didn't marry because we loved each other," I said, blurting it out .

"What do you mean ?" She looks at me shocked .

"I'll tell you everything if  you promise not to tell," I say, trusting her with my truth . She raises her arm and promises..

"Well me and Tau met at a club and we had intercourse,  few weeks down the line I found out I was pregnant I couldn't believe I mean it was my first time doing it and I get knocked up." I say bitterly.

I've never ever had a boyfriend,  sure I had a thing for a few guys in my life but it had never goten that far and then the first guy I meet is as cold and uncaring as Tau .

"The worst thing of all I found out was he was my boss , so I had to hide my pregnancy, but he caught me out and forced me to leave with him." I say, looking at her. It was like she did not know what to say she didn't look disappointed, just shocked.

"So how did you marry him?" she asks.

"Well the intentions was for him to introduce the child to his ancestors since he is a prince , when we got there apparently the ancestors aproved me as his wife and I married him traditionally " I said the last part in a low voice like I had made the biggest mistake of my life .

"He is a prince , from what kingdom does he come from?" she asked .

"Well, he came from the Lerumo kingdom," i said.  Her eyes widen, not knowing what to say . She stands up and walks around the room a bit stressed.

"So you're married your father's number one enemy's child who has a wife," she said, sounding sad . I couldn't help but look down in shame  .

"How did you know he had a wife?" i asked .

"I know because we were invited to the wedding,  it is by law that all kingdoms get invited to a weddings but only the king and his family, Tebogo my child how could you do that , I  know Rethabile she is my god child her mom is my best friend  " she says with tears in her eyes like she was about to cry . This made me feel ten times worse about myself , the information just made the whole thing a whole lot more complicated.

"I did not know he was married , he didn't say . I only knew about it after i was married ."  I say.

I wanted those words to be true, but unfortunately, they could not . I was now Tau's second wife. A whole qualified lawyer could not even defend herself . I felt I got bullied into this. But I was going to make this right as long as Tau does not find me.

Tebogo His Tswana Queen Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora