chapter 15

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I'm now officially seven months pregnant, and I haven't seen Lerumo since he dumped me at his house. I've not been allowed to go anywhere, even work. Everything that I wanted got delivered to my doorstep .

I practically live alone because the maids have a house one kilometer away from the main house . I've learned a lot like behind this house there is a barnyard with ten white horses, three black and two light brown ones . Futher away from here there is a beautiful waterfall but I'm afraid to go there.

When I was growing up, sister Mary warned me to never go near live water like dams ,rivers ,waterfalls, e.c.t . I often wondered why, but I just chose to listen to her. The only water I can go in is swimming pools,  which I was grateful for .

This house had 20 bedrooms each with its own  bathroom, one kitchen that looked like the whole of Woolworths, a walk in fridge that had practically everything,  a libraries with some of my favorite books in original copies , two living area  , a hall where it looked like events are hosted in , a indoor gym , an indoor swimming pool and a jacuzzi ,a cinema and many more . I haven't been to the other side of the house yet because there were strict orders not to let me through .

"Thuli  may you please bring me my favorite snacks?" I asked her deliberately because I knew she didn't like me . She went away , I liked doing this to her because she was mean to me if I had the power I would fire her but I ain't got no power to do anything in this house not even to go see Lucy.

I heard the doorbell ring and I quickly went to open to see who it was . I opened the door and saw a woman in an elegant gown , you would swear she was royalty . "Goodday ma'am come in "

Not wanting to be rude or anything, I didn't ask who she was , she could be the owner of this house or maybe Tau's wife, but she looked old to be Tau's wife ."Would you like anything to drink or eat?" I ask, hoping she would introduce herself.

"Sunset greetings young lady , if it's no trouble, I'd like you to cook for me samp and stew beef," she says . Well a normal person would say who exactly are you and what are you doing here but I'm not normal and guess what I do I go cook for her what she wanted ,in the mean time I asked kate to offer her something to drink .

It took me two hours to prepare everything because I had instant samp that cooked in 30 minutes  and the meat doesn't take that long , I dished up for the both of us and I asked Kate to set up the table,  I guess I was just excited to have a visitor all those days of being alone .

Kate went to call her to tell her that dinner was ready . I sat opposite her, praying for her to say something because it was beginning to be awkward . "So who are you young lady and what do you want in this house"

"Well, my name is Tebogo, and I'm Tau's  friend,"I said, not knowing what else to say to this strange  lady .

"And if I may ask who are you ma'am," I  ask, not sure how she will answer.

" Well, I'm Queen Biopelo Lerumo , Prince Tau Lerumo's  mother,"  she says confidently.

"So Tau is  a prince? Wow, I thought those only existed in Disney movies," I say  .

" Prince Tau," she says, emphasizing the word prince .

"So how is it Being a queen your majesty?" I say

"In my own experience it's not very nice I mean I was a princess and raised to be a queen that's all I know ,I have all these people doing things for me and taking my orders but you do get respect a lot of it and you do get to meet the most important people of the world and get everything that you want but if I had a Choice I wouldn't chose this life " I felt so sad for her she felt so unhappy and she seemed like a nice person  .

"Don't worry if you want a day off. I'd like to be a queen for one day," I say, seeing myself on the throne, ordering people around to do anything and everything.

"Well, I'll hold you up to that," she says .

We spoke for an hour her telling me about her younger days and me telling her about my childhood,  I didn't mention the being an orphan part . She was quite different from how the queens acted ,she was down to earth royally . I saw Tau rushing in the dining area .

He looked so good honestly he made me want to jump on him and suck his face, which would never happen, but wow, I needed to have sex really soon. I mean, I'm frustrated, sexually.

"Here comes the royal prince of the great Lerumo kingdom." The queen stands up to hug her son, and Tau somewhat seems a little embarrassed. She even kisses him on the cheeks.

"Come sit with us, I've met your friend Tebogo, and she's quite lovely."Tau seemed a little relieved that her mother thought we were friends  , but in actually fact we were nothing. We are both about to become parents . I felt angry at him, but I had to hold it in because his mother was here .

"Tebogo, go dish up for my son , he must be very hungry." I stand up and go to the kitchen to dish up for Tau .I dish up and warm up his food, I felt a presence behind me. I saw Tau's face, and I slap him so hard that my hand hurt .

"You know what, take me to my apartment,  I want to leave this place  " Surprisingly, he smiles and kisses me , I let out a small mourn before I push him away.

"Nope you don't get to do that , you leave me here for a month, you don't even  allow me to go to work , you don't even show up to check if your house is still standing or if your furniture is all here or if I'm doing alright or if the baby is still healthy" I ask crying, this dude got my feelings going up and down.

"Me and you, after all this, we have to talk . Let's go before your mother comes in here,"I say, fixing myself.

Tebogo His Tswana Queen Where stories live. Discover now