Chapter 4

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Future wife...

The thought played over and over in my mind. Those words were so light hearted and happy. Her voice is still soft and kind...


My... 13...

She's my future... my future wife...

I don't know why, something about those words made me feel amazing. I was always super close to 13, and this makes me feel... What's a word that means a lot more than happy? Ecstatic? Ecstatic. My heart fluttered, a soft smile on my lips.


I heard something outside my plane, snapping me out of my thoughts. I hum, raising a brow, knowing that the noise wasn't a normal sound. I bit my lip, grabbing a pistol I had stored in a supply bag, a pistol and the ammo that went with. I load it after a moment, hearing the noises again. I grab a spare pack, throwing it over my shoulder. I grabbed an extra clip of ammo, slipping it into a side pocket of my backpack.

Time to investigate whatever those noises were.

I open the plane door, cautiously looking around. A low groan cam from beside me so I lifted my pistol, turning the safety off. Out of the darkness came an undead figure. I shot it between the eyes, a smirk spreading across my lips.

Holy. Fuck. Yes.

I look around closely before turning the safety back on, placing the pistol in the holster. I poked around and examined the figures form, seeing if it had anything useful.


I scuff, looking around this ghost town of an airport. The cool air of a spring night made a chill run down my spine. Right. Time to gather what I can.

I took one more glance around my plane before running over to a crashed truck. I raised a brow, examining the side of it. In the dim light, I could see the words that spelled out "grocery delivery truck". I nod slightly, shrugging my shoulder.

I opened the back of the truck, watching as various cans of food fall out. Food, especially canned, is something that'll help out right now. I fill my backpack up with the cans, zipping it after. It's a shame I can't take all of it, my plane couldn't carry the load. I took what I had back to the plane, stacking it in one of the crates.

I can make various trips to gather the supplies, I can transport about 10-15 crates of supplies. Once I had the rest of the cans stacked, I made my way back out, running back over to the truck. I filled another pack full of cans, dropping the bag when I heard low groaning. I drew my pistol, waiting to see what had made the noise. Once the undead came into view, I rose my pistol, clicked off the safety, and I shot. The zombie fell so I clicked the safety back on, and put the gun away. The .454 Casull is a large pistol, but it's effective.

In a hurried fashion, I grab my bag and run back to the plane. Right, I need to make a few more trips throughout the night, and hopefully keep the undead off my tail long enough to get to 13. When I see her again... I'm going to give her the tightest hug I can...

It took around 20 more trips for me to get enough supplies to fill the crates. It was tiring, and now it was around 2:30 A.M. I took a seat in the cockpit, unloading my gun so I could clean it. I glanced up, staring out the front window. My eyelids were heavy and beginning to droop, so I knew it was time to rest.

I walked to the seating, grabbing a sleeping bag. I bring it back to the cockpit, setting it up. I lay down, allowing my eyes to rest.

When I awoke, it was 6:00 A.M. I blinked the sleep from my eyes, and as I rose up, I checked the area around my plane to make sure nothing had gone wrong throughout the night. Everything seemed normal, and as soon as the sun poked out, I turned the plane on. Checking each of the functions, they all seemed to be working.

Time for take off.


The plane was in the air, and there was only slight turbulence, which was good seeming how it was the first time I powered the plane on today. Next destination was Iowa.

Checking the coordinated plot sent to me, I plotted the area out that I would need to land. Right in behind the shop is a clear point that I should be able to land in if I'm careful enough. I bit my lip, knowing that soon enough I'll be in Iowa, and I'll get to be with 13 again.


It was around 7:30 A.M. when I arrived. I landed in a clear spot near the shop/apartment. Butterflies found there way to my stomach, and I took a shaky breath. I open the door, walking out of the plane. I had a pistol on one side of hip and a machete on the other. I walk up to the door, knocking.

My heart raced, and I could feel my composure slowly cracking. Once the door was open and I was allowed in, I tackled 13 into a hug. I held her tightly, burying my face into her shoulder. "Hello, 13..." I whispered.

I heard her giggle as she hugged me back. "12... It's been so long...!" She exclaimed, booping my nose. I smile widely, placing a hand on her cheek. I used my thumb to tilt her chin up so I could look her in the eyes. She lunged forward, connecting our lips as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

"I've missed you so much..." I whispered, lifting my hand and tracing my thumb over her cheek. "You're still as beautiful as I remember..."

"And... you're still so much taller than me." She laughed, ruffling my hair. I roll my eyes, shaking my head.

"That's the only compliment you have to give me?" I question, locking the door back down. "Also, do you have anywhere I can store about... 15 crates of food supplies?" She clicked her tongue, taking a seat at her front desk.

"Well, I'm pretty sure I do. But no, that wasn't the only compliment I have to give... You're still a beauty~..." 13 purred.

I chuckle, rubbing the back of my head. "Well, thank you... And, well... I'll go unload the plane. Give me about 30 minutes to get everything... My love..."

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