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nothing short of a tragedy.

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄WARNING: contains underage drinking

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WARNING: contains underage drinking.
be responsible, kiddos :)

THE JOURNEY TO FRANK DOLOREM'S HOUSE HAD QUITE THE DEMORALISING EFFECT ON ADRIAN MARTIN AS HE TREKKED HIS WAY THROUGH THE ROADS, STREETS AND FOREST'S HE NEEDED TO CROSS IN ORDER TO GET THERE. He had regretted not asking his mother for a lift around the halfway point of his journey, realising - despite how much stamina he may have from lacrosse - he was losing valuable time on foot. Not to mention the fact that Frank's home was seemingly in the middle of nowhere, tucked away in an overlooked forest where it stood alone. In broad daylight, one may have seen it in a more peaceful viewpoint; but the dark aura of the night currently did it no favours in providing a homely, welcoming vibe.

Adrian wondered why a man would want to live in a place so misplaced from society, but he didn't have to think long and hard until he soon understood the reason why. He just wanted to hide away, hoping that would bring him some form of peace, solitude until the war came back from him like a lamb for slaughter. Suddenly, the thought of living alone didn't seem so strange to Adrian.

Alone. Did Frank live alone? If so, how long had he been in the company of one? Adrian always wondered how one's sanity would hold up when you have no one but yourself to accompany you. Was it comforting? Because, if so, Adrian wouldn't mind getting some of that for himself right about now.

No. Adrian's mind made his hand halt from its raised position to knock on the house's wooden door in dire need of a new paint job. Frank has a son - mother told you that. He wouldn't be alone . . . he'd be with your half-brother.

"Shit." Adrian cursed as he stepped away from the door, bringing both hands up to his fiery red locks so they could run through them in an act of releasing the stress he inwardly felt. The realisation of this being his first contact with his real dad and half-brother just hit him like a ton of bricks all at once. How would it look if he just suddenly marched in, claiming Frank could be in a great deal of danger? For all he knew, Frank may not even want to see him.

He may not even remember him.

It doesn't matter. Adrian had to tell himself, letting a deep breath escape him. It's the right thing to do, no matter who it is. If Stiles' dad -

The redhead stopped mid-thought, biting down hard on his lip. He was surprised the metallic taste of blood didn't stain his tongue when he did so. His eyes closed, exhaling through his nose. The flashbacks from all the words he had said came flooding back to him. Did he regret them? Maybe. He wasn't quite sure what to feel about his words just yet. All he knew was that right now, sadly, Adrian had to admit this would be a lot easier if he had the frantic Stilinski with him right now; offering his annoying ramblings as a form of distraction.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒  ,  stiles stilinski ²Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt