Ch XXII - New Beginnings?

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After SHIELD had stepped in to take Thanos away, it was the Avengers' and demigod's turn to capture or kill the last of the aliens. It took hours. By the time they were done, Percy was well and thoroughly pooped.

He plopped down on the couch in the Avengers tower. The newly Chitauri free Avengers tower. Even though there was broken glass on the floor and alien blood splattered on the wall - seriously, the place looked like a Jackson Pollock painting - Percy still felt like he was back home. After spending a day - or was it two? - as Thanos's puppet, he was so tired he was tempted to fall asleep right there. But he couldn't. He had to talk to the demigods, talk to Fury. Percy had to figure out how to get everyone back where they needed to be.

Percy forced himself to stand from the oh so comfortable couch. Loki walked over from where he had been talking with the Avengers and Annabeth. The rest of the Seven had apparently come over from Earth-G as well, but with all the commotion Percy hadn't gotten to see them yet.

"Are you ready to talk to Fury?" Loki asked. "We have to coordinate the conveyance onto Earth-G."

A very confused and concentrated look slipped onto Percy's face.

"Conveyance means transport. As in getting the demigods back to their home," Loki reiterated.

"I knew that."

"No you didn't."

"No I didn't."

Percy sighed. "I really don't want to."

Loki wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder. "Understandable, but the question was rhetorical. No one else can talk to Fury like you can." He steered Percy over to the Avengers.

Wait, most of the Avengers. Thor was missing from the group. Percy promptly pointed that out.

"He's off getting something for Reindeer Games," Tony told him. The glare Loki was sporting could melt metal. "We're meeting him at the Helicarrier."

"Okay," Percy nodded. "Then onward to the Quinjet."

As everyone set off after the demigod, Loki kept to the back of the group where Annabeth was walking. He intended to make right what he screwed up back at the mansion.

Loki walked beside her for a minute, silent and awkward. The fear he felt was so uncharacteristic of him. "Hey," he mumbled.

By the name of the Allfather, why am I like this?

"Hi," Annabeth said back.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said the other day. I should have never been so rude."

They walked a few more feet before Annabeth said anything. "No you shouldn't have." She paused again, contemplating what to say. "But I get it. I've lost him out of nowhere before, too. I'm sorry for not listening. You needed someone but I didn't try to help."

"That's not your fault," Loki objected, meeting her eyes. "I pushed you away."

"Well, I guess we're both assholes in our own ways." Annabeth glanced down at her feet. "Apology accepted."

Then she ran off to walk next to Natasha as Percy slipped to the back with Loki.

Percy watched as Annabeth and Natasha started a heated debate over... something. They were too far away to hear. "You two okay?" He asked Loki. "That looked kinda awkward."

"It was." Loki sighed. "The day we got back from Camp, Annabeth and I got into a little fight," he explained. "She was trying to console me but I turned my guilt onto her. I was an ass."

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