Ch XXI - Force of Nature

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"Percy! Come on, baby, wake up."

The demigod opened his eyes to find Loki, not even inches away. Percy smiled as he processed the god's sentence. "Baby?" he asked.

Loki ignored it. "Thank the Norns. We need to move, now."

He wrapped Percy's arm around his shoulder, hauling the boy to his feet and jarring his broken ribs. Percy sucked in a breath at the pain, but allowed Loki to guide him to a safe place. They hunkered low behind a large piece of fallen building. Percy's breathing was shallow and jagged as Loki inspected his injuries.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked, looking the god over for any possible wounds.

"I should be asking you that," Loki said, placing his hand to Percy's abdomen. His green magic wiggled its way into Percy's ribs, clicking them back into place. Percy flinched at each pop. "Sorry," Loki winced as well.

"Don't worry about it, baby," Percy smirked.

"Am I going to regret saying that?"

"Depends. Do you like it?"

Loki pressed a soft kiss to Percy's lips. "I can't hate anything that comes from those lips."

Clint groaned over the coms. "You know we can hear everything you two are saying, right?"

"You think they would learn by now," Natasha snorted.

Percy sat up to look over the edge of the debris. At the other end of the street, the Avengers were fighting for their lives against the Mad Titan. "Where are Thalia and Nico?" Percy asked.

"Some Apollo kids moved them to a safer place," Loki said. "They should be getting medical attention right about now."

Percy watched as Thanos punched and kicked the living crap out of the Earth's mightiest heroes. Sadly, they weren't mighty enough to defeat this threat on their own. "I need to help them," he mumbled, pulling himself to his feet.

Loki grabbed his arm, saying, "Wait a minute. Your ribs haven't completely healed yet."

The demigod looked the god in the eye, conveying his argument silently. Loki sighed. "You're so stubborn."

Percy smiled, giving Loki one last kiss before saying: "Let's kill this son of a bitch."

Percy pressed his finger to his earpiece, communicating to every one of the Avengers. "Get off the field. I got something up my sleeve you guys are gonna love."

"If you say so, kid," Steve said, backing away from The Mad Titan.

Thanos had a very confused look on his face as everyone backed away from him at once. Rubbing his hands together, Percy stepped into the Titan's line of sight. Percy slammed his hands on the ground, feeling the power surge through his body, cracking the street in half and sending Thanos to his knees.

Tony chuckled as he watched the Earth swallow Thanos whole, leaving only one hand above the surface. "Okay Katara, I didn't realize you were an Earth bender, too!"

Percy stood straight, his breath heavy. "Poseidon is also the god of earthquakes, so." Then he stumbled, falling back into Loki's arms.

"You need to stop tiring yourself out, you dumbass," Loki sighed, using more of his power to give Percy energy. Percy could tell the extra use of magic wasn't agreeing with him. The god's face was becoming paler by the minute.

Percy pulled himself up and gave Loki a thankful smile before saying, "I don't do that type of stuff very much. It tires me out more than controlling water." He then grabbed Riptide from his pocket. In that moment, he thanked the gods the sword was enchanted to appear back in his pocket in pen form.

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