Birthday One-Shot

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Percy woke slowly. He smiled at the weight on his chest and the hair tickling his chin. Wrapping his arms around the god, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the short time he would be getting alone with the god.

And then the knocking. The rapping on the door that usually accompanied the presence of one of Percy's friends.

This friend did not wait for someone to answer. The elf-like features of one son of Hephaestus was the last thing Percy saw before an elbow was driven into his gut.

Loki had reacted to the door slamming open just like any person would have: he sprang out of bed, nailing Percy in the gut on the way.

Loki landed on the ground, Percy clutching his stomach on the bed, and Leo loudly singing "Happy Birthday."

"For the love of my dad, Leo. What the fuck?!" Percy raged. "We were trying to sleep!"

Leo laughed. "Who gives a crap, Perce. It's your birthday! You're eighteen now!"

Then Annabeth came running in. "Oh my gods, Percy, I'm sorry. I tried to stop him."

"You obviously failed," Loki said, glaring indignantly at the two. He stood and straightened the too small Nemo pajamas he had borrowed from Percy.

Leo snorted at the sight.

Loki glared even harder - if that's even possible - and snapped his fingers. In a green flash, the pajamas were replaced with his normal green, Asgardian robes.

"Well, we're up now," Percy sighed dejectedly, sitting up. "Is it breakfast?"

Annabeth nodded. "Hey, where's Spiro and Adonis?" she asked.

Adonis the beagle lifted his head from where he laid, curled up with Spiro a few bunks over.

"There," Leo said, pointing.

"I can see that," Annabeth retorted.

The argument ensued. Percy searched his drawer for the right outfit, got changed and fed the spirit animals, all before they finished arguing.

Loki and Percy continued out the door in search of breakfast, Spiro and Adonis close behind, with Leo and Annabeth still fighting about nothing in the background.


"Hurry up," Rachel demanded of the decoration team. "We need this perfect for the party."

Up at the dining pavilion, things were bluer than ever. And not in the sad way. Blue streamers were being wrapped around the marble columns. Blue balloons floated above the blue tablecloths. And on a big white sign, written in blue letters, was "Happy Birthday Perce!"

"They're going to be here in minutes, hurry up!"

A young Athena camper ran over, clipboard in hand. "Rachel, everything is going well, except..."

"Except?" Rachel quiered.

"The cake isn't ready and Mrs. Jackson isn't here yet."

"Shit. Alright, send Nico to get Sally and the cake... I'll stall until it's done."

The girl nodded and ran off to find the son of Hades.

A dog's barking sounded. Rachel looked to find Adonis - Percy's spirit animal - bounding toward them, making as much noise as he could. That beagle was so much like Percy, it was like having two of them.

"Everybody," Rachel called in her best stage whisper. "They're coming!"

The demigods quickly finished up their duties and hid behind pillars, tables, and even the brazier. It was a surprise party after all.


Loki walked hand in hand with Percy to the dining pavilion. He, of course, was in on the party. He had sent Adonis to warn Rachel and the rest of their approach.

As they ascended the hill, Loki couldn't help but smile as he saw the decorations on the marble pillars of the pavilion. Percy was obviously confused about them.

"The Hades?" Percy mumbled.

When they finally crested the hill, everyone jumped up and out of their hiding places. "Surprise! Happy birthday!" Adonis pulled a string and the poster unfurled.

Percy had pulled out Riptide at the shock, but he was smiling. Surprises weren't really Percy's forte, but Loki couldn't resist giving him something huge for one of his first peaceful birthdays.

"Holy Zeus' underpants!" Percy exclaimed, shoving the ballpoint back in his pocket. "This is amazing!"

The seven plus Rachel and Thalia walked out of the crowd and each gave Percy a huge bear hug.

"Happy birthday, baby cousin," Thalia cooed. That was the most gentle she had ever spoken to him.

"Thanks Thals. Thank you all. I couldn't ask for better friends. I honestly forgot today is the eighteenth," Percy said. "But seriously, never give me a surprise party again. I was about ready to take off the head of the closest demigod."

Loki winced. "Sorry about that, but it wasn't ill intentioned."

Just then, Nico walked over. "I hope you're in for just one more surprise," he said.

Directly behind him, stood Sally, her husband Paul, and their daughter Estelle.

"Mom!" Percy ran straight to her, giving her a big bear hug.

"What, no love for your step dad?" Paul asked, incredulous.

"Get in here. You too, Stella. Group hug."

"Group hug!" Leo yelled. He then practically jumped on Percy's back. Every one of his closest friends huddled into this group hug.

Being a demigod is hard work, and you have to enjoy the good stuff while you can.

Also, "We've got blue cake!"


A.N. It's about thirty minutes late, but I got the birthday special. Happy Birthday to Percy and all of you people who have birthdays this year. (I do)

I appreciate all the love I'm getting. Also, I don't think I thanked y'all for one thousand, fifteen hundred, and two thousand reads. Or one hundred votes. I can never say thank you enough.

Again, thank you all for reading! Peace.

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