Survival 26 | I'm Tired

Start from the beginning

I mean, we need a plane and we don't know if there's still a plane that's still functioning up to this date!

And if there is, the military would detect us and before we could reach the said county, they will surely shoot us with their missiles using their combat jet and no one wants that to happen, right?

Dreyard smirked as if he's already expecting our violent expressions. Now, he's looking at us with expression as if saying, ‘bow down to me before I share my knowledge to yours’ which I glared at him, and he chuckled before speaking.

“Yeah, it's really far, but among other countries, the only one we could trust right now is them, since they're the one who found the cure on the first outbreak and for sure, those groups are full of mysteries.”

My eyes widened, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one who's surprised because I heard their gasps of surprise.

“What?” They did? I mean, the rumor was true?

WHO failed to create a cure that could end this madness— the reason why everyone was in panic and little did they knew, their panicking is the reason why they put their lives at stake.

And knowing that a group far from here has a cure with them…

Then… there's still a hope that suddenly bloomed deep inside of me.

A hope that we could end this together.

“I mean, I wasn't sure. It's just a rumor circulating for years about the Petterson one who didn't turn a zombie after being bitten, then maybe right now, they're developing some cure… who knows?” My hope deteriorated a little.

A little only because truth to be told, knowing that they have a cure and hearing that someone didn't turn into a zombie after being bitten or scratched, it's already a big achievement!

But that apocalypse happened years already, because the ones we are facing right now is much upgraded, much. . . terrifying!

“Nevertheless, they're the one whom we could trust right now,” Marcus commented, the newly arrived one who's walking from somewhere, in which I noticed him holding some guns with little broken solar panels, but still, it's enough and as long as it could still be of use.

But… trusting other groups who are strangers to us? I'm not saying that we shouldn't trust them. But this is a fucking survival and every action has consequences.

As I sighed and looked at them. “Again, how can you be so sure?” I asked them since the idea of trusting strangers still bothers me.

In which I think I need to remove this thought because right now, we need to trust everyone we would meet. If we're talking about successful survival, the probability of success is high when the more, the merrier.

“My brother would do everything to save me,” Klaus suddenly spoke which made us looked at him.

Slowly, my eyes widened when the realization hits me.

Brother… Petterson… “You're brother with the one who didn't turn into a zombie?” I asked in disbelief.

I mean, he wouldn't mention it if it wasn't true, then I guess he's the brother of that Petterson?

Klaus slowly nodded his head. “Yes. I am Klaus Ashriel Petterson.” I gasped. Wow? We have a big guy here! I mean, bigatin!

Just before Dreyard started explaining everything,

“It's the reason why they wanted to eliminate us.” Before he eyed the gun with such little damage and he removed some parts on it, I saw him cocked the gun and the sound of it being clicked entered my hearing before he used its scope and look through some places with such distance that I remained watching him.

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