Chapter 18

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A few days after Nathan's family left, Kaelynn was going to stay at my mum's for a few nights so my mum could see Kaelynn more and they could spend some "quality time" together. The quality time that I never got as a child with my grandparents.

Once Nathan got back from taking Kaelynn to my parents, he sat beside me on the sofa and started playing with one of my hands. He then leans over, places one of his hands on my cheek and kisses me softly.

"As i said, the other day, Eva, I want you." Nathan says in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
"Nathan..." I whisper out as he picks me up and carries me into the bedroom.

Nathan places me down on the bed and starts trailing kisses up and down my neck. He connects our lips back together as my hands tangle in his hair and tug slightly, making him groan. H starts to unbutton my shirt before pulling it off me before trailing kisses down my chest toward the hem of my leggings...


Nathan collapses beside me, both of our breathing heavy and unsteady. Nathan pulls the covers around himself and I before pulling me closer, cuddling me. I snuggle my face in his chest as he holds me close and kisses the top of my head as I smile.

"That was good..." Nathan trails off, "That was great." He corrects himself as I giggle slightly.

We stay silent before Nathan speaks up again.

"Don't you think so?" He asks as I look up at him.
"Nathan..." I trail off as he looks down at me, "You know I can't feel anything down there." I add on as the realisation spreads on his face.
"Oh, God. Eva, I'm so sorry. I didn't think about that." He rushes as I place my hand on his cheek and pull him down for a kiss.
"Hey. Nathan, it's okay." I say as he places his hand on top of mine and nuzzles his cheek into it, "Don't apologise." I add on as Nathan kisses the palm of my hand.

I kiss him softly as he kisses me back and cuddles me again, laying us both down.

"It's 10 pm. We should get some sleep." Nathan suggests as I nod and cuddle into his chest again, slowly falling into a deep sleep.


When I wake up, its 8 am and Nathan was still asleep beside me. I smile before realising that my chair is still in the living room and I was still completely naked. I can't even go make us breakfast.

Well, this is great.

Wake up, Nathan.


So, I know I left it on a bit of a strange sentence but I want to know your thoughts on miracles. I want to make a miracle happen.

I don't know if any of you watch Hollyoaks but there was a woman called Grace who got hit by a car. She was in a wheelchair for a few months and then she started physio really late and eventually could start walking again.

I was thinking of making it so Eva goes to physio in secret and begins to start walking again and when she knows she's strong enough to walk, she will show Nathan.

Is that a good idea or shall I just leave her in a wheelchair?

Please tell me what you think.

~ C x

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